Dr. Sebi- The Truth about AIDS, Black Leaders, and Healthy
http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2011/06/dedicated-to-master-teachers-erykah.html As WE have LOST so many ICONIC MASTER TEACHERS just this year alone, instead of listening to someone giving a TRIBUTE, what I will do is let the MAN speak for himself. He was born as Alfredo Bowman in Ilanga Honduras on November 26th 1933 & passed on August 6th 2016 at the age of 82. This Dude is 1 of OUR GREATEST yo. http://urbanintellectuals.com/2015/08/03/did-you-know-dr-sebi-was-sued-by-ny-attorney-general-for-his-claims-to-cure-all-diseases-and-won/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5Vp48Uf-4s Doctor Love by 1st Choice As I am in Honduras now, I will look into HOW OUR MASTER TEACHER died. To those of you out there who know what I have been thru, if you could send Me $20, I would appreciate it so that I can get to his funeral as it is far away from where I am at. When I was there with him last year, my best memory was sitting with him in his room smoking t...
He doesn't address it in the video, I see less "feminists" and more self loathing fat chicks who do this than anything else. They grow up saying they hate their blackness and black people in general, so they develop an obsessive interest in anime or J-pop. Once the Asians, Mexicans, nerds, geeks or what ever leave them in the dust, they're ready to be black again, but only for the pussy begging simpletons that populate the Afrocentric movement these days. He's absolutely right that it's all about self interest, not black empowerment with these skanks.