POLYGAMY 401 - the Inaz Brown Rebuttal.......

Hey Y'all, sorry to make ya wait but my good SISTAR frend, Inaz Brown wanted in on this POLYGAMY Series & as I always tell ya, this is a COMMUNITY FORUM where only INTELLIGENT VOICES will be heard. Did she go in yo? I think she did & what she had to say was on point even though I don't agree with all of it. As this topic is VERY CONTROVERSIAL, I had to allow the SISTARS to say THEY piece & whether y'all pro or con, WE ain't goin NOWHERE without each other! The next 547 days is comin & as I always say, LIFE as WE KNOW it WILL SOON CEASE to EXIST! When my time to shine comes BLAK, I'm gonna be gettin at the FELLAS about OUR RESPONSIBILITIES & how this POLYGAMY THANG ain't just about SEX! In fact, very FEW of US are equipped for this at this PRESENT MOMENT but I BELIEVE that LIFE as WE KNOW it WILL SOON CEASE to EXIST! Despite what you believe in, EAT RIGHT & STAY ALIVE as all things will soon change. I had a 15 year old cousin of mine get a STROKE & I had to visit him in the HOSPITAL just this MORNING yo! WTF is that? Too many are STILL dyin TOO YOUNG & it has to stop & I'm gonna keep tellin Y'ALL that it doesn't have to be this way but Y'ALL gonna keep trustin them doctors instead of a dude who READS what the doctors READ. I can tell Y'ALL what to do & who to see but........Y'ALL DON'T HEAR ME! I need y'all & y'all need me. Ayo, my homegal put it down & she also needs ya luv so give it up to my fellow FB frend, Inaz Brown & how she feels about this POLYGAMY THANG!

Well BLAK and beautiful as always, I personally have no issues with what anyone does in terms of mutual relationships while also remembering a truth you emphatically imply… EVERYTHING AIN'T for EVERYBODY! However, this blog in my opinion, presents this as the only alternative or the lesser of two evils in regard to black women and their options for a mate (particularly a black mate), who’s “nature” it is to be with more than one woman. Her other option is to remain alone. For the women who cannot rapidly adapt/adjust to this idea, they will suffer in male (Black Male) companionship and provision in her most urgent time of need (considering the hypothetical dispensation of a time/place different than what we are experiencing now that you often speak of). The question that still begs to be answered is: can one realistically affirm that they will mentally, physically, and emotionally be capable of caring for other persons let alone several households of women and children? Even in a setting that you present in going back to the basics, how many of our brothers even know how to build a house with their hands? Care for livestock? Purify water? Defend their home with intelligence and courage against animals, brute humans and the elements? My primary question and concern with all the talk of polygamy/polygyny is feasibility. Feasibility in considering the unhealed psychological damage of many brothers even the “conscious,” who so easily fall victim to the same adversities of the “sleeping” or lost brothers who fail to adequately initiate, much less maintain, healthy strong black families.

In these arguments, much emphasis is placed upon the woman to “get out of her euro-mind” and abandon the “fantasies” of “romance” America has taught her and embrace the African polygynous family structure of old. I find it unrealistic to mentally transition from one culture to another in a years time much less overnight just as much as I find it unrealistic for black men to go from a culture of practically undefended physical and psychological abuse, degeneration, miseducation, self hatred, and most of all intemperance to being able to manage several homes of women and children having no experience, example or intuition as leaders who rightly discern and decide! The spirituality, the work ethic, the manhood training, the basic instinct of self preservation (inclusive of family and not individual) that the tribes of the motherland upheld has all been stripped from us just as the “ideals” of relationships have been stripped from the women. Without addressing the progression that NEEDS to take place with our brothers in regard to response-ability, too much emphasis is put upon the women to “get with the program” and trust that you will magically become endowed with the wherewithal to manage such a HUGE feat, impromptu at that, or be left alone in a time when a man is most needed…which by the way is NOW! Whether we hypothetically take a mental space trip into the future or deal with today, US WOMEN STILL NEED OUR MEN TO PROTECT AND PROVIDE FOR US AND OUR CHILDREN IN A NUMBER OF WAYS!! Just as unrealistic as you may think it is for us to believe we can have one man to ourself who will love just us and be faithful to one woman, I think it’s unrealistic for a black man of American upbringing to successfully think he can manage SEVERAL households, that he can emotionally care for SEVERAL women and EVEN, dare I say, sexually satisfy them all EQUALLY??? And even considering the “appointed madam”… den mother…first wife “helping” with management, this still has the high potential to be very messy and any man who thinks otherwise, better get real and understand the “nature” of a woman as we are JEALOUS, COMPETITIVE and TERRITORIAL!

Additionally, this whole “nature” of the sex argument is a horrible premise to base any of this off of; especially since we are in a time of moral decline like never before! It is very difficult for the MAJORITY to recognize the blurred line between what’s “natural” and just a flat out sinful proclivity be it a lack of sexual discipline and discretion in men or homosexuality which both sexes claim “resolve” by mass acceptance of it’s “natural” inclination. Black women in particular should just get over it and abandon their fantastic idealisms of love and emotional concern from her spouse when it comes to his excessive desire (primarily sexual), while she be vehemently challenged to maintain and check her sexual desire for another man (which may also be “natural” as many women are sexually attracted to more than one man), but it’s never seen as “unrealistic” for a man to EXPECT a woman to be with just him. What many men fail to realize is that a woman may want to be with as many different men as a man does a woman but is this wise? Is this clean?! These are questions that are not limited to people who have vaginas. It’s just silly to think that having a penis and producing more testosterone makes you so much more entitled to the best of both worlds and have it all than those who don’t. And for you “noble brothas” who want to rebuild a nation, why not drop a different kind of seed (knowledge) that gives life to those who are already here? Once male children are born what are we going to teach them? Just to acquire as many wives and children as possible and that’s it? Is this their sole purpose on earth? What are we going to teach that will encourage emotional wellness which is what sustains life and makes life worth living? I hear no other thoughts on this after the idea of acquisition of women and children from brothers…this has been going on since the production of slave studs! There needs to be more talking about practical knowledge and emotional wellness which is what is killing us off while the babies and baby mamas increase in number!

The Blak Smith sure loves INFORMING y'all on what goes on in the world. As long as WE are RESPECTFUL, I don't even mind bein REBUTTED! If ya feelin the HEAT WE bringin, again, this site costs me to run & the e-book, I ain't Perfect but take it from ME is soon comin. Any DOATION of $20 or more gets ya the book & a DONATION of $5 bein the minimum accepted by us postal m.o means that ya LUV US. For those who can help, hit me at bennyblacko@yahoo.com or on Face Book at Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). Thanx for all of the LUV & SUPPORT & HOLLA BLAK! Peace.


  1. "...get real and understand the “nature” of a woman as we are JEALOUS, COMPETITIVE and TERRITORIAL!"-----nuff said... and with that BE-IN said... "polygamy" is NOT the answer addressing the current problem with OUR "nation"... So, PLEASE... STEP, BLAK!!!

    xxrealizmxx aka Tamieka Helen--mmhmmm...

  2. 4 U not.....U have a man....As U have written b4, care 2 REBUT me?


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