A very SIRIUS greetins go to my BEAUTIFUL Blak Peepo! With 520 days left, them days is Countin Down eh? WE still here givin Y'ALL the REALEST hardest hittin info that ya may or may not wanna hear & WE ain't gonna stop. The Haitian Peepo are still sufferin, the WORLD is currently goin thru upheaval & krakkas is still krakkas. Racist white supremacy rules the day as THEY try to get rid of US all but as KRS-1 said some years ago, WE WILL be HERE FOREVER! As for you? I don't know about you but my countdown is for the GLORY of the comin days! Some of US will be ascendin in DIMENSIONS while OTHERS will descend into DEMENTIA! Some of US are already in both places. Where you at? What are you thinkin? When you read this, this article here will resonate in ya mind......I am goin to haunt you in ya dreams & make you RETHINK ALL you ever held SACRED! I'm gonna MIND FUCK you with this 1 here MF aka MY FRIEND! AIDS izza  HOAX just like religion & paper money. Get busy or get lost! WE goin in!

Ok, let me just say before I go in deep that I am pleasantly surprised that alotta Y'ALL out there have heard OR doubt this AIDS FIASCO as this news is not new. There were, are & will be peepo who know how to research, study & come to conclusions without the EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE seen in so many who still wanna believe this BULLSHIT bcuz they seen they ____________ die from this disease. Take a psychology course & see that ASSOCIATION is a MOTHERFUCKER & when the stimulus is placed in front as in a word, place, concept etc etc, peepo go apeshit crazy! Let's dispel some of that my peepo as this krakka has placed too many of US into a REACTIONARY MODE & a person who REACTS can never REVOLT! Once you see someone you luv dearly succumb to this or something like it, you attach those emotions to the SUPPOSED REALITY of  that SHITUATION instead of RESEARCHIN for SELF beyond a shadow of a doubt what this is all about. You are a CONVICT of ya CONVICTIONS & get IRATE with anyone who stirs up those emotions. This situation is worsened by virtue of age as youngsters tend to blame parental problems on themselves. It's HUMAN NATURE to get upset when WE don't OVERSTAND somethin & if that person is violent, they will react violently with the proper stimuli. This is basic psychology & you can check to see if what I say is true.

As is I said in AIDS izza HOAX, the mind is very powerful. Powerful to the point of peepo on Face Book reportin my blog as SPAM bcuz of my strong subject matter instead of gettin at me & askin that I not post in THEY group pages that I NEVER ASKED TO BE IN. If ya see yaself in this, please delete me if I annoy you. WE SOUL JAH on though & check this out; most of US are suffering nothing from more than & I provided the link for ya so you can see what it means directly from the site itself. You havin a dirty mind coupled with all the INHERENT RISK FACTORS plus LOW SELF ESTEEM suppresses the immune system & when ya reach OVERLOAD, a simple cold could kill you. No one in this country EVER died of AIDS as this supposed disease has too many symptoms that could come from most diseases. On autopsies, THEY say that the person died of ARC or AIDS RELATED COMPLEX,* a cocktail of SYMPTOMS that you could get from a cold & that toxic azt.

Have you ever heard of anthony faucci? Have ya ever heard of robert gallo? Do you know the connections between the eugenics movements aka POPULATION CONTROL, the (secret) government & the nwo? I've stated before that the so called elite refer to US as USELESS EATERS! This also  includes those whites who are really MIDDLE CLASS but as WE don't have much, we look at 'em as rich. Most of them ASPIRE to be with this so called elite & if proven can move up the infrastructure of the us has a housin glut, the prices of houses has fallen while everything goes up & up! THEY no longer have use for US & are tryin to get rid of as many of US as possible so runnin to the doctor is not the answer. Look up those 2 names & you will see that those 2 dudes have been at the forefront of studyin it but in order for it to get a cure, YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE THAT IT ACTUALLY EXISTS while THEY tie ya mind up in endless MIND FUCKERY! Let's just go back a lil to 1984 & see what was goin on in the USG. ReaganomiXXX was runnin the show & jobs were plentiful. rock hudson was the 1st famous person to be diagnosed with AIDS & was exposed as a homosexual givin it the face of gay white men & ya favorite drug, krakk was soon to rage all over Blak Amerikkka. Do any of y'all old enough to remember those times make a connection? After the 60's with Malcolm, Nkrumah, Lumumba, Martin, the Blak Panthers & Kwame Ture, THEY allowed the 70's to go by until watergate made them krakkas run for the tall grass. After lettin that steam blow over, here came the 80's & THEY AGAIN went in FULL THROTTLE on killin NIGGAS! Legalized abortion & the ERA was also figured into the equation BUT as WE have been MUTATED into THEY WAYS & ACTIONS, WE still gonna get our FUCK ON! To those BREEDERS who insisted on havin children DESPITE diseases supposedly ragin, make 'em FEAR FUCKIN causin dissension amongst US! Look at Panther again & see how when WE was comin up, they introduced DRUGS to SUPPRESS US! Another way to look at it is in Dead Presidents with the character comin home from WAR & not bein able to find a job. For those with multiple partners & RISK FACTORS, GET TESTED! To those who were hopelessly addicted esp to krakk, ya now have a MENTAL DEATH SENTENCE with LOW SELF ESTEEM while UNHEALTHY in the street lookin for that next hit. The BW was esp hit hard as she had to use her body to get that drug. Is this true or does it sound like I made this up?

Let me get BLAK to YOU now......yeah YOU, the DISBELIEVER. If you are a regular reader & you believe that I luv you, why would I FUCK with ya MIND? I OVERSTAND the emotion of losin a luvved one to a so called disease BUT in order to progress, one must learn to lose FEAR as it will hold you back! Once I have this type of discussion with someone who had a luvved one die from this who STILL BELIEVES in it, they get REACTIVE & COMBATIVE. I have NOTHIN to PROVE & after these articles, my purpose is to get YOU to RETHINK EVERYTHING that YOU THOUGHT YOU KNEW. If ya say that ya BELIEVE it exists, like ANY RELIGION, ya don't know! Put another way, just like I can't PROVE ya WRONG, ya can't PROVE SELF RIGHT as 99.8% just read & don't know what true RESEARCH is unless ya writin a school paper. I am not the only 1 sayin this  (just google the title) & a brother came on my Face Book page a few days ago sayin that DENIALISTS are dyin from AIDS & so I should be careful. Like Redman says, Wateva Man! THEY own the media & most of how WE get our info & do ya believe THEM every time THEY make up some OUTLANDISH SHIT? Like most things in life, THEY PROGRAMMED Y'ALL thru FEAR & Y'ALL FAILED to read anything other than what THEY say bcuz you BELIEVE that THEY are the AUTHORITY. Y'all would rather believe ya GOD SPELL PROGRAMIN than lil old me who gives this info for FREE! NIGGAS REACT & Blak Peepo PROACT! Stop REACTIN & start RESPONDIN as a 1st REACTION is usually not good. I again will recommend that y'all read Can U Change written here a few months ago & as it is an archive, type the title into the search box & go! Nothin I said here today will disprove the naysayers & if anyone readin this can disprove me usin THEY OWN MIND, y'all already know that this is a COMMUNITY FORUM & ya submission will be published. And stop usin's givin you AIDS! Peace.

* Wikipedia said that clinical use of this term was widely discontinued by the year 2000 in the us after having been replaced by modern laboratory criteria. The BULLSHIT never ceases but Y'ALL think that I'm crazy.

Damn man.....that Blak Smith dude went in somethin FIERCE like AGAIN! How does he maintain the site & write his book? He maintains it by DONATIONS for buyin his e-book which is soon comin done by the likes of you & yours. For forwadin info to contribute to his cause, hit him at or on Face Book at Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). Peace to all of you & stay healthy.


  1. Ya did it again! Much RAHspect Bro! Yo Blak-a$$ is da MAN! =^)


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