Hey Blak Peepo! I know KraKKa's be readin this but fuKKK 'em! This is my space & so.......anyhow, after that snowstorm last week, the weather has been very nice. As far as the eye can see, there is a warmin trend goin on as weather modification continues, I've resigned myself to just waitin to see what happens as THEY put out so many geese & at about this time, WE don't need to be chasin NOTHIN! As far as OWS is concerned, I got this to say: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CzhgMKatGQ&feature=feedlik&fb_source=message. Like a san francisco area code, WE got WAY LESS than 415 left so HANG ON Y'ALL! I wanna get to a place where y'all ain't just readin this & actually doin something about our plight. WE CAN DO THIS so let's go in now.

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article entitled http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2011/10/4-sistasfeel-blak-mans-pain_19.html. If ya haven't read it, please do so & come BLAK to this. On November 7th, 2011, WE are goin to have BLAK SOLIDARITY DAY. This day is for US & this year, y'all need to know that LIFE ain't just about WORKIN all damn day & nite for the rest of OUR LIVES. This system was designed to have you actin ROBOTIC! Sometimes, ya have to take TIME OFF & just do YOU & FAMILY so as to alleviate all of your stress. Why can't WE as a peepo have OUR OWN 3 day weekend OFF as THEY took MLK Day from US & made (p)residents day from washintons & lincolns birthdays? For too many of US, the pursuit of money is ALL that WE livin for & that most DEFINITLEY is against the tenets of MAAT! Let's examine this a lil closer.

I am now readin a book that's got my brain on overdrive that has me thinkin in a whole nother way. The name is Return to the Afrikan Mother Principle of Male & Female Equality where JUST MALES & FEMALES RULE SOCIETY EQUALLY. These principles come from the earths 1st peepo, the Twa who still live in Afrika til this day. Where the word just appears should be read as in JUSTICE.
Those of you who know me personally know that I blame almost all of our problems on RACIST WHITE SUPREMACY aka RWS & therefor know that I don't BASH either sex for OUR problems. This is my reasonin why & if ya examine it as a student, you MAY come to that conclusion as well. It's really up to y'all but we provide the reasonin & let you choose.

In absence of that REAL EYES ATION is all of the negatives that ail our families & communities which I don't have to put here as WE all know what I mean. The 1st link in this article says it all for me & if ya don't see it that way then fine. Many of the things that I've said in the Final Countdown 2012, the Final Warnin & in a lot of other posts have happened or are currently happenin & will continue. Too many of US can't find mates but ABSOLUTELY REFUSE the options proffered here & will continue to REFUSE until yo ass get's OLD & TIRED of bein alone. Ya don't wanna be alone in THAT HOUR but believe me, that time is HERE! Is havin a job or a loved 1 a bigger priority for ya? What's more important; how ya feel or how ya look? Where is yo sense of urgency?

So is this it? Are you gonna read this & pass it off as just another RANT from this Blak Nigga always yellin HOLLA BLAK on FB? Are you gonna go BLAK to yo fridge & eat yet another porkchop sammich? Are you gonna go to the Strip Club & spend yo last $50 on booze & a lap dance. If ya doin that, GTFOH & don't come BLAK! I'm writin for US to learn from as others TEACH ME. That book that I spoke of came from a great friend of mine named Ms Brown & I thank her all of the time for it. Thru sendin me that book, she's TEACHIN ME & I in turn teach it as in EACH 1 TEACH 1! So don't think that I'm just teachin as I learn from teachin as well. This leads me to this point. On November 7th, WE should decide that as Blak Peepo, WE are goin to have just 1 day ALL to OURSELVES. No Blak Person should go to WORK as you HATE yo job anyway or SKOOL as they ain't teachin SHIT anyway & just do US. No shoppin ( unless ya buyin from a Blak Owned Biz), & if ya wanna, learn about peepo ya may not be familiar with such as Kwame Nkrumah, Carlos Cooks, Henrietta Lacks, Paul Robeson & others who are not as lauded as MLK, Nat Turner or a Marcus Garvey. For that matter, as WE are the 1st peepo & therefor GOD'S CHOSEN PEEPO, you could learn from OUR vast well of OURSTORY! Use the computer that day only to show RACIAL PRIDE in some of US who don't get that. Watch educative dvd's of who & what WE are! Why not? Peepo, Peepo, work with me as I'm talkin 1 DAY! You should tell ya friends as WE CAN DO THIS!!

So again, I don't expect everyone to become SPITFIRE REVOLUTIONARIES for takin 1 day off & doin this BUT what is it gonna take for US to finally REAL EYES that WE AIN'T GOIN NOWHERE WITHOUT EACH OTHER? The economy is just about gone & y'all now see that them KraKKa's want you to join 'em to help US get reenslaved but WE not goin BLAK to that. Like Elijah Muhammad said, "do for SELF!" The reason for our disorganization is bcuz WE have all become RUGGED INDIVIDUALS & don't give a fuKKK about each other after the Industrial Revolution when MONEY (the root of MOST EVIL) became neccessary to have. MONEY is a DESPIRITUALIZED CONCEPT with a dead current aka DEAD PRESIDENTS. In an agrarian society, someone grew the food, someone harvested it & someone cooked it, that simple. Where is the need for MONEY in that? DON'T THINK that I'm BLAMIN YOU MY FOLK! I simply targetted the SISTA'S 1st bcuz they have the JOBS & if they TWEAKED THEY way of thinkin just a lil bit, a lot more MISERY could be evaded. Where is yo sense of OUTRAGE & what's happened to that BM whom you LUV & LUVS you but can't SUPPORT YOU? Do you respect him or money more? That's a SIRIUS Q I want y'all to think about & not just gloss over. I want that q to haunt you until you tell SELF ya own TRUTH! If ya knew that part of the SOCIAL CONTRACT was that the KraKKa don't owe US SHIT, you would have to adjust as y'all outnumber US. WE need to think of it as a CONNECTIVE COLLECTIVE! This is not an excuse for those of US who are FULL of SHIT so I don't wanna hear about that BAD BOY you dated who left ya with 3 kids & still ain't SHIT! I'm speakin on behalf of the very FEW DESERVIN BROTHA'S out there!

So, it's up to the SISTA'S who have a sense of URGENCY in mind. Who TRULY know what time it is. If ya takin a break from the BM or all men in general & have children, you can do this. If ya have elderly parents, you can do this. If ya have friends who are into this info, lend 'em an ear & give time for BLAKNESS bcuz ain't you BLAK? It's all about LUV of SELF as that's where the http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_5cq9gnLMk starts. EACH 1 TEACH !! Luv of SELF is the GREATEST LUV of all & I am you & you are & me & so..............I want you to say, "WE CAN DO THIS!" Can you?

Damn the Blak Smith is gettin at y'all with these HERBAL VERBALS & gettin it in makin ya sweatin the gin! As OUR TIME is HERE & ya just ain't realized it yet, I'm gonna go in HARD on yo asses. The book is still comin & please stay in touch. HOLLA BLAK at bennyblacko@yahoo.com or on FB as Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). Peace & .......well, ya know.    


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