I ain't got time for PLEASANTRIES  today as so much is goin on. For all of y'all who don't like talk of DEATH, DESTRUCTION & VIOLENCE, get the fuKKK off of this page now! WE don't happen to be livin inna time for pleasant talk & again, what makes YOU MORALLY just & right when YOU allow ya sons & daughters to be RAPED? What kinda language do YOU use to express RIGHTEOUS RAGE? I'm warnin y'all now, if ya don't like the LANGUAGE don't tell me & ignore my ads. I'm very UPSET that the STATE PENN coach, jerry sandusky has been for the most part, molestin BLAK BOYS & WE just goin around all blaze blaze with not a care in the world. The reason why WE azza peepo can do that is bcuz WE don't have the VILLAGE MENTALITY of "it takes a village to raise the child" in US which leads to these situations. Point BLAK, this dude shouldn't be killed fast; he should be tied up & TORTURED to the brink of DEATH & when he's there, made to recover only to keep repeatin the process for all of the sufferin he has caused. I remember a few years BLAK, when a young girl in Palmdale was BEATEN by a school safety officer for droppin cake on the floor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a6ezhR2XV0. The reason why these things can happen is bcuz the BLAK MAN has been MARGINALIZED & has DISAPPEARED from OUR FAMILY & it has to stop! It can only stop when someone makes US aware of it as I have been tryin to do for some time now! The KraKKa is an UNNATURAL BEIN & will stop at NOTHIN to DOMINATE US & WE actin like I'm the PROBLEM for sayin SHIT how I say it! FuKKK OFF & grow up NIGGAS! What has your soft-shoein & shuKKKin & jivin done for US? Y'all NIGGAS is even too scared to take off 1 day of work on BLAK SOLIDARITY DAY! AFRIKANS MUST UNITE!

Ok y'all, the name of this site is BLAK 2 AFRIKA! In november of 2008, I the Blak Smith moved to Ghana West Afrika & stayed there til jan 2010. I had some of the GREATEST & WORST times of my life there & though those lows were low, those highs were high! I learned a LOT & can now say that I accomplished 1 of my biggest FEATS EVER by livin there as a YOUNG MAN! It can only get better. What I wanna do in this article (that may turn into a series) is devise a possible way for US azza peepo to once & for all, find out where our DIFFERENCES are without ANGER or ANIMOSITY & hash out why onna general level, find out why the fuKKK WE CAN'T GET ALONG! This SHITuation is the elephant in the room that most of US don't wanna talk about unless WE with OUR NATIVE PEEPO & feel SAFE, but WE must deal with the WHAT IF factor of it all? Of course bcuz of TIME & SPACE, some of OUR issues are OBVIOUS but what of those WE don't speak of honestly? Let's examine just a few here in this report:

Diet - in the west for the most part, most of our foods are processed. On an increasin level as the west strengthens the stranglehold on Afrika, the food there is as well. While in Ghana, the foods comin from get this, Shop Rite, were from south afrika as if Ghana has a food shortage which is just a ridiculous concept given the landscape & weather. As well, the asians & euros are depletin the fish stocks with those big ass TRAWLERS & so the natives get the minimum & not the best stuff. This must be handled at the top & WE know about the leaders there. They kinda like the 1's here right sotero?

Religion - Increasingly, wars over RELIGION are keepin the peepo FIGHTIN as in http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/world_now/2011/11/inspired-by-the-taliban-northern-nigerian-militants-launch-bombings-and-attacks-killing-65.html. The reason why this & other confliKKKts will continue to happen is almost the same all of the time. WE are not euros & anytime that WE adapt their customs, WE will always LOSE! This goes for politics, religion, diet, relationships & almost everything 1 can conceive but y'all don't hear me though. Most of these countries have muslim norths & kkkhristian souths with a few TRADITIONALISTS thrown in for good measure & guarenteed that 98.5% of all of 'em is corrupt! If some of y'all knew the LAND SHITUATION in Afrika, it would make you CRY as peepo have lost their life savings buyin land that was sold over & over again. It's crazy how this is routine there! Damn.

Culture - EVERYTHING is CULTURE & CULTURE is EVERYTHING! What type of food ya eat, marriage customs, religious views, language, economics, etc etc ad infinitum. This plea that I make to those of US who care enough is this: Afrikans in ameriKKKa were taken away from all of that by FORCE & made to work here forever. Bcuz continental Afrikans were born in Afrika under colonial rule, they retained alot of their CULTURE & therefor still do alot of the things that they've done since their ancient past. Most Native Born Afrikans don't relate to OUR STRUGGLE as THEY didn't get whipped, raped, amputated, beaten EVERYDAY & made to work for NOTHIN & now come here & look at Afrikans in ameriKKKa as lazy degenerates in a land of milk & honey but that's changin as this land dries up. I won't even get into the PSYCHOLOGY of not bein wanted but durin slavery, every Blak Person hadda JOB! I have a great friend born in Afrika, who came here azza young man & told me that before he left his country, the us embassy showed him & those comin over for the 1st time, movies like Boys in the Hood & New Jack City, depictin afrikans born here as the WORST. This is PURE FUKKKERY & with what I went thru over there, I still know that there are good & bad everywhere just as he did after sittin BLAK for 2 years & observin EVERYTHING around him. What he was observin was OUR CULTURE & I'm proud of him for doin what most others wouldn't as he told me just how dubious his peepo can be. What a scam, SET UP by the DEVIL as he looks & he SMILES!

Again, y'all better know that the overwhelmin reason as to why WE are in this mess is bcuz of the KraKKa! He is the reason why most of US speak his languages & why TOO MANY of US look at US thru his eyes. If you ain't white then why are you usin his lenses? And before I finish this article, it ain't just about continental Afrikans & Afrikans born in ameriKKKa as ALL of US the world over differentiate between countries, streets, blocks, buildings, sections of towns & regions. The name of this SHIT is WHY AFRIKANS EVERYWHERE MUST UNITE & that's why my name is BLAK bcuz once I tell y'all I'm _______________ (insert group), I seperate myself from whoever sees that group/sect/religion/organization as OPPOSITION. The only group dynamic I serve in is MAAT & so..................this is why I still consider myself a Garveyite. Garvey said bring yo affiliation but use it so as to allow it to SERVE the GOD in PEEPO! When WE can all do that, that KraKKa would be done with OVERNITE & this is why AFRIKANS EVERYWHERE MUST UNITE! Holla Blak!

The Blak Smith absolutely luvs him some Afrika. WE can get y'all there thru http://www.africafortheafricans.org/ & if ya decide to take a trip out there, tell 'em that I sent ya. As well, please help support what I do here by coppin my new book & that link is here at http://www.lulu.com/. Go in the drop box, enter books & type Blak Smith in the search box & my book will come up. To stay in touch, my email is bennyblacko@yahoo.com & on Face Book, I'm Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). WE now have WAY LESS than 405 days y'all so HOLLA BLAK! Peace.


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