I ain't perfekt but take it from Me Excerpts from Chapter IX - the Sex Chapter

What up & 379 days to go Y'ALL! I keep tellin Y'ALL that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtdYWvQlCkM&feature=share&fb_source=message. Don't really have much to say today as WE get into these here excerpts but that bernie fine (syracuse assistant basketball coach) shituation is KKKRAZY! Pedophelia on both ends as 1 of the young men had a sexual liasion with fine's WIFE yo. Are Y'ALL followin this? If not, check this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/28/laurie-fine-bernie-fines-bobby-davis_n_1115663.html & just look at the headline if ya feel lazy. It will tell ya all ya need to know. Check out some more KKKrazy SHIT from these KKKrazy ASS KraKKa's yo!: http://www.examiner.com/underground-in-national/georgia-candidate-for-governor-says-sex-with-mules-watermelon-behind-him. I CAN'T MAKE this SHIT UP! WE still averagin in the 50's & 60's in the northeast this far in december.......WOW! And for good measure, this is the BEST NEWS http://www.africanglobe.net/2011/11/nigeria-outlaws-same-sex-marriage-offenders-to-get-10-year-jail-term/#.Tt_C_2Mk67t on this feed before WE go into these excerpts. Hold on as now, only the patient & humble will make it thru this time period. Please don't be this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YH09TGD8rt4. WE at b2a LUV Y'ALL to LIFE!

YOU MUST REGAIN YOUR AFRIKAN SPIRITUALITY! Almost every thing shown to you by the mainstream media teaches you away from who you really are. Balance out what you know so that you can teach what you know & you can earn so that you can teach what you have learned. Entertainment can be education & vice versa. Love your peepo. Matter of fakt, check out this little tidbit from Michael Bradley from his klassik, the Iceman Inheritance. It’s deep so watch out.

Love is the middle ground between aggression and the ability to
reproduce. Love is that place where we can feel unthreatened
sex and the place where we can have sex without directing
aggression toward our partner.                 From Page 130

On Page 132, Bradley further elaborates that
Perhaps we are now willing to grant that our curious western
concept of love and the MONOGAMY (caps mine) love
demands are ADAPTATIONS and behavior patters impeded
by our evolutionary experience. Our iceman maladapation.

Now that’s heavy & I suggest you read that book but finish this 1 first. It was written specifically for you! Let me drop a little more science on you from this book. Mr. Bradley goes on to further state that the Neanderthals (Devils) attacked the Albignesians, western Budhists who strove for peace, prosperity & respekt to one & all. These people settled in a Province named Languedoc. Women were a major part on the leadership councils & were called the Perfecti. The Barbarians wasn’t having this enlightenment of the masses, hence the Crusades that I spoke of earlier. This was called the heresy & they labelled it the catharism. Scholars who saw validity in this lifestyle wrote poems that captured hearts & souls. They named these poems, amour courtoise translated as gentle love. I’ll let Mr. Bradley explain more.

The Norman Barons of the North saw a rich & militarily weak
culture ripe for the picking. There the Church saw heresy.
The male-dominated Catholic Church saw the male and
female completed ones held in equal respect. Saw a way of life
so successful & brilliant without the benefit of male-dominated
judeo-christian dogma that it must be destroyed. More especially,
destruction of the Perfecti was necessary because the corrupted
clergy of the Church suffered by comparison with the undoubted
virtue, asceticism & integrity of the Albignesian teachers.
A Crusade, the 1st of many was initiated by Pope Alex-
ander II in 1163. It was the 1st time that the Western psycho-
sexual & religious intolerance was institutionalized as the proper
spiritual orientation of an entire continent. One historian, Marcie
Magre has declared that the Holy War against Albignesians was
the greatest single turning point in the religious history of MAN-

I’m sorry to say, but it doesn’t end there. Check out the madness

Terrible cruelty was unleashed against the REAL ENEMY of the
Church. . . .The free WOMEN PERFECTI. The psychosexual
nature of the conflict demanded that the women Perfecti DIE
at flaming stakes or in agony on the rack.

If you ain’t saying whoa to yourself by now, you already knew all of this or you just plain don’t give a damn. Note that this was 1163, way before Europeans left they own shores. But I checked out these people in the encyclopedia & here’s what I found. According to the World Book Encyclopedia of 1993, the Abilgenses were a “sect” of the Cathari who resided in what is now modern day France, Italy & Germany during the 11 & 1200’s. These folks believed that wordly things were evil & that only the human spirit was good. It also said that they opposed marriage, childbearing & eating from anything from an animal. They also advocated suicide through starvation. For some reason though, this group soon became popular & had to be put down by the Church. The crusade against them squashed their numbers & in about 1350 they were no longer in Western Europe though the entry doesn’t say that they were all killed or driven away. So we have fakts but as usual, the white man writes facts of OMISSION. Why would a group advokate opposing marriage & childbirth especially? It doesn’t make sense. If the group’s followers believed in suicide through starvation, why were they still around hundreds of years later? How do you sustain a population by advocating death policies? I believe that like the Native Amerikan, these people would rather die off instead of being subjugated. That’s why I say they report & omit & to those of you who don’t analyze past what you read in a “trusted publication”, like reading the DaVinci Code & knowing that though it is a supposed fictional tale, a lot of it is true indeed. Books have to be written to spur your imagination and make you seek the truth. So my people, you didn’t change your ways voluntarily, you were as you now see, ADAPTED to a system of laws that was already in place by the time it got to you. THAT KRAKKA DON’T CARE ABOUT NOTHING but riches because in Europe, all he had was ice & cold & raw animal flesh & when he saw how much resources we had in abundance, he went crazy. He was determined to take it from you for banishing him from the Garden with his sick albino skin. HE TELLS US THAT WE COME FROM MONKEYS & SOME OF Y’ALL BELIEVE IT. What do you know about that Rh Factor? He doesn’t come from US! He knows that as time is going that his n.w.o will not work though he will take a whole bunch of us with him. Knowing the fakts & omitting some out of your expedient convenience is the way that this devil operates but when you expose him & show him his white ass, you can shame him to the ends of the earth. He has now been EXPOSED!


That link is up Y'ALL! As a NY dude, I want shit fast & sure that you do too. If ya like the book & can't wait, HOLLA BLAK to my email; bennyblacko@yahoo.com or at Face Book as Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). I would appreciate ya DIRECT BIZ but this is the net so everybody is gun shy. If ya wanna PAPER BOOK, hit www.lulu.com & go in the book section, put my name or name of book, I ain't perfeKt but take it from Me & hit GO. My next set of excerpts will be a video of my ugly face so STAY TUNED, Stay busy, stay vigilant, stay SAFE & most of all, STAY BLAK! Much Luv & PEACE!


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