Eyes On The Rainbow (The Assata Shakur Documentary)

JooTube took down the ORIGINAL VID & so here goes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt5uoQt6_es

The QUEEN NZINGA of OUR TIME!! This is THAT WOMAN & I humbly SUBMIT to her. Man this BW is BEAUTIFUL & FREE in Cuba due to the GREAT Fidel Castro sponsorin her. At b2a, WE are very busy as WE have a Hip Hop ain't perfeKt but neither are WE Book Reading this Saturday, May 26th at the Auburn Research Library on African American Culture in downtown Atlanta from 3 - 6pm. WE'LL be discussin & readin from my epic book, http://www.lulu.com/shop/blak-smith/i-aint-perfekt-but-take-it-from-me/paperback/product-18623064.html. I've been tellin Y'ALL to prepare as that KraKKa's TIME is UP & that WE need to be READY for whatever bcuz, believe it or not, WE are livin in the TRIBULATION/REVELATION times NOW & must make sure that as many of US possible make it thru & as FEMININE ENERGY will reemerge to take it's RIGHTFUL PLACE, who better to feature at this time? After you finish watchin, check this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xddaL6Ey0 & get with US as WE move on lookin back at all of these fuKKKery type distraKKKtions. Do yo SANKOFAH! WE already are VICTORIOUS & that KraKKa is the 1 hangin by his chinny chin chin. Righteous Ones Bangin On The System means R.O.B.O.T.S to ME. Where y'all at? WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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