ASSorted fuKKKery!!!

Hey b2a! Sorry that I took so long gettin BLAK to ya! I've been BUSIER than EVER lately & apologize for leavin y'all without somethin to watch, read or hear. In such a case, this song comes to mind: Today, I ain't got no main message but will speak on things heard in the news & what I'm gettin from my peepo out there in b2a WORLD but before I get into that, I need 10 of Y'ALL to send me $13 so that I can pay the host of the site to keep this goin &I ain't gonna ask anyone individually which means that I'm talkin to YOU! Or if not, 5 of you could buy my book, I ain't perfeKt but take it from Me. Y'all know the drill as my best seller goes on. Get with US as WE got so much to say. Hope that y'all is cool & with me. Let's get into it!

The DistraKKKtions continue. As I watched the news last nite, I saw that chris (breezy) brown & drake drake2    /dreɪk/ Show Spelled[dreyk] Show IPA


1. a small cannon, used especially in the 17th and 18th centuries.

2. drake fly.

3. Archaic . a dragon.


before 900; Middle English; Old English draca < Latin dracō dragon*
got into a bar room brawl where bottles were bein thrown about like missiles. This was in downtown ny & as I believe that music isn't bein sold like before & that THEY have to distraKKKt US so that ya don't THINK that ya winnin, I'll just post the story IF ya interested:
drake 2 (dreɪk)

— n

1. angling an artificial fly resembling a mayfly

2. history a small cannon

3. an obsolete word for dragon

[Old English draca, ultimately from Latin dracō dragon ]

WE now look up the 2nd definition of drake & find that definition 1 says that HE is an ARTIFICIAL FLY! WTF? How long has that definition been in existence. There is NO such a thing as coincidence & look what I just ran up on FB while typin out this article: If ya know or even think about a.i.d.s bein a HOAX & knowin that a (false) POSITIVE result means NOTHIN, then ya know that if THEY put somethin in ya, THEY can put somethin in ya! What I'm here to tell y'all is that ya need NOT be AFRAID as the RAPTURE is for those of US who are pure of HEART so I ain't writin this for y'all to be scared. I'm writin to INFORM!

* taken from

                                                    Part II later this weekend


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