The Island of Dr. Moreau

As jewtube takes e'm down, I reload 'em & though it's a different version, you'll get the point. Enjoy. done on 10/1/12

This goes out to YOU readin this! Now that ya got that pang of "what did I do" in ya, lemme say why I DEADicated it to ya. Too many of Y'ALL believe in anything other than what certain DEITIES REPRESENT. At this point, just like too many of y'all say that jesus's COLOR doesn't matter, I say, he don't matter AT ALL. This shape shiftin shit is real. Clonin been in existence. Stem cell research never stopped. All presidents, prime ministers & other so called vip's have replicas & so many movies have told US that but y'all dismiss it in yo mind like, "it was just a movie!" Films such as the manchurian candidate, no way out, vantage point & are looked upon as GREAT but IMPOSSIBLE to HAPPEN while the SHIT happens right in front ya face. You sir/madam, are PATHETIC!

"Ok Blak Smith, get to ya point!" My point is......a lotta these movies is TELEGRAPHIN to ya what to expect. The only movies I put in here for you to laugh involve SIRIUS COMEDIANS who mix social commentary with HUMOR. All the other movies are for Y'ALL to EXPAND yo minds & THINK about what ya see that THEY do & what ya could IMAGINE that THEY don't tell US about. In other words, be like a CHILD & IMAGINE with these movies in mind!! A lotta these movies are more REAL than actual LIFE is & if ya think it's a joke, why are ALIENS, ZOMBIES & UFO's everyday regular news today? They been preparin US for the last 20 years so when it comes, however it comes, ya already had what to do PROGRAMMED in ya mind. Don't look at it as evil or wrong. Gene splicin & shit like this been here under wraps in underground tunnels & such. With 154 days left, go in & enjoy the Island.........

Armagedon, it been in effect.......go get a LATE PASS.........................................STEP!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( as said by Professor Griff)

Update: Check this out while ya at it:


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