The KraKKa has CONCEDED!


Actor tom hanks hasn't had a hit movie in YEARS! This is like an animated komikk & so most WOMEN won't like it but onna symbology tip, this right here is HUGE! If you can stomach watchin a series of 20 6 minute short stories, you MAY have yaself quite a lil series here! The names, places & symbols are tellin US in this series that the KraKKa has CONCEDED & is tellin US in this format. This ain't gonna be no long article but if ya know how to read thru this type of shit, you will know that WE have won!

There are 150 days left & so for those of Y'ALL who are new to me or this blogsite, I count down the days til 12/21/12 & if ya think that the mayan calendar izza great SHAM, then answer me why so much is goin on lately? This does not mean that on 12/22 that EVERYTHING will be hunky dory but the NATURAL ORDER of things is comin BLAK & I will be in the VANGUARD! Everywhere ya turn, there's a HOT SPOT goin on! Now when I say that the KraKKa has conceded, I ain't sayin that all of 'em have......nah, if you are in his way on his road to perdition, he will sweep you along with him so the most important thing that you can do is stay outta THEY way & pray that it's like 100 degrees every day til november. All the SUN tan lotion in the world can't help 'em!

Just picture when the world stops spinnin on 9/25/12 & the grids shut down for 3 days. No lights, ELECTRICITY, computers, cell phones or any electronic communications. Now I'm not sure that this is gonna happen but I've been hearin about this for quite some time. I want ALL of YOU readin this to really THINK about all of this as you watch this & other stuff like it. Just as THEY allow comedians to say ANYTHING, THEY TELEGRAPH what THEY doin in movies, tv shows, the news & on radio. In order to really get it though, you should watch the whole series. A BIG indication of hanks involvement in the occult is RE-CREATION & that nigga outgrew that cute boyish look years ago. With that gone, he now looks OLD & has to do voice overs as no one wants to look at him anymore while Morgan Freeman just got married! He's a FREAK SHOW in & of hisself but that's another story. Ya gotta know how to READ this type of shit to see that the KraKKa has conceded & like my mast says, WE shall be VICTORIOUS! Get PREPARED or be SCARED!

150 days left yo! Ya see, the Blak Smith ain't workin & for those of US who know & RESPECT what I'm doin, ya gotta help support me. You can buy my book: OR send me a donation but ya gotta go the extra mile & send a us postal money order. If ya SIRIUS, holla at me at or on FB as Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). Look for ANYTHING as that KraKKa will go down style. WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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