The Obama Deception (Full Movie-DivxHQ)

This 1 goes out 2 all of y'all who still believe that the eloctorate process is fair & balanced bcuz WE gotta glitterin mulatto in the executive chair of the office. He along with his REPTILIAN wife DISGUST me & if ya on my friend list talkin this Glove/soetero shit, watch this as ME & my a-alikes revel in the fact that this system has 88 days left! Them solar flares is gonna go in next year & if ya ain't righteous, ya won't ascend to avoid 'em or somethin like it. This joint is almost 2 hours long & it was already out so come & get ya soetero on. WARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR & know that ya can reach me as WE do OUR FUN RAISER for ya kind & generous DONATIONS at or on fb as Blak Smith (Blak Smiff)


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