Was integration REALLY good for black/white people? feat. Blak Smiff 10/23 by GSRT Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Was integration REALLY good for black/white people? feat. Blak Smiff 10/23 by GSRT Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Blak Smith

This is 2 hours & so if ya like my voice, enjoy! If not, pass the word as WE conclude OUR FUN RAISER. Thanks for all of ya contributions. WARRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Fundamentally yes. Yes and no, but for the sake of movements around the globe integration started and fuel liberation movements in a way unlike time periods pass.Globally, it benefited millions upon millions of people. How Black and White folks in the States dealt with it is on us. It's our shit, and our shit affects the world positively, or negatively.

  2. WE have always been CIVILIZED PEEPO & 4got that thru all of the forced MIGRATIONS in Afrika. 55 days left!

  3. That is a tricky question!
    Being that I am a young person Late 20's early thirties, I would say that Anyone up to 54 years of age is suffering from the integration of the 60's.
    What integration did in my Opinion is force people of African and Heavy non-european decent to want to be where they are not wanted. In the USA
    We are a spiritual people, bringing love Knowledge and Understand where every go ( that is for the balanced the few, perhaps). This is one of the reasons that our women wear hair of another persons head just because it is straight and "popular looking" not White Looking. Don't get me wrong, there are black woman, and what I mean is women that have clear ties to Africa via the Caribbean South America, Eastern Europe, Parts of what is now Mexico, that have straight LOOKING hair. Meaning, their hair is loose curly naturally. Like Chili from TLC. However, this look is portrayed in the popular media and movies as the look to have, where there are many different looks and characteristics of the human genome. Why the mind control?
    So, no, Integration was horrible. As you can see Martin's Dream has turned into a nightmare. Whites and Blacks which that is not all there is by the way, have come together. However, their alliance has been in Style, Fashion, sex, demonic activity with no recourse. Basically, all things slut and corruption for the most part.
    So integration in my eyes must change to something else.co-exisiting. THe way the world has been working is that a group of people that have big dreams see that manipulation of others especially ones that seem to not be interested in that way of life and retaliation come and put laws in place etc.... Trapping the unsuspecting youth and new world, as they mostly have not been exposed to our-story.
    In conclusion no matter what heat and pressure usually creates things. So It has happened and now we are just working the kinks. PRess ON PEOPLEES!

  4. When I think about what our Ancestors went thru to get to integration, from enslavement to now and how there is no equity or fair playing field, NO it Really hasnt been good for Black people. Check incarceration stats!

  5. in regards to the destruction of black businesses and loss of a form of self reliance...yes


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