The 5th Dimension/the Blak Smith - Age of Aquarius 2013

A BIG SHOUT OUT 2 all of U who have had the PATIENCE 2 put up with my INCESSANT COUNTDOWN TALLIES 4 the past 2 years. WE'VE been thru a whole LOT from GREAT 2 BAD but ya PERSISTENCE will soon be REWARDED as U have weathered the STORM of TIME! 2 ALL of U who are really REAL, I wish 2 eventually meet U as WE leave this 3rd dimensional BS & enter into the 5th & get 2 finally LIVE instead of SURVIVIN! 2 a lotta my YOUNGER FOLK who don't know this song, LISTEN 2 it intently. Hear the Krakka beginnins & how the song ends with that high note NIGGAS get at chuch! This is what the BS is all about & if ya ain't with it, why did U read so far into the msg? Ayo my Beautiful BLAK PEEPO, U SIRIUSLY can't know how much I ♥ US some US! Listen & see Y'ALL at the Cosmic Party as WE PARTY 2 songs like this & OTHERS. 2nite, I want ALL of US seXXXin, smokin, drinkin & the BW should be havin that NUCLEAR SEXXXUAL EXPLOSION as she throws off the SHACKLES of OPPRESSION once & 4 all. Wateva U do though, do it RESPONSIBLY! 2 all the rest of ya, EAT a bag o' DICKS!


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