As WE go along, WE find that thru TIME, CONSCIOUSNESS EVOLVES! So far, WE'VE gone thru time showing the B.C era & that WE as BLAK PEEPO were once regarded as G.O.D! WE'VE shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that when WE are left alone or FREE, that WE ALREADY DID EVERYTHING & all the d'EVIL did was EXPOUND on what WE already did! WE'VE seen that WE'VE struck 1st & even defeated rome when it was strong & that WE would later do bigger & better things! In each case, the level of CONSCIOUSNESS had to EVOLVE as each era defined the peepo & vice versa. As said before, the book Destruction of Black Civilization covered too much of what WE know but what about a lil known book such as Harding's, There's a River which exposed the very many insurrections & revolts during SLAVERY which lasted 400 years.

This is why it's so important to SUPPORT those of US who tell OUR STORY bcuz WE have no reason to keep TRUTH from US! Writings like this & by OTHERS just as concerned may not seem important now but what story will WE tell to those yet unborn? Okay, check what I'm gonna do.........I'm gonna talk about some of those who lived during SLAVERY who FOUGHT on OUR behalf whether FREE or IMPRISONED & how that peculiar institution morphed US from WARRIORS for a cause into SOLDIERS who get paid to perform! Just imagine being born knowing ya granddad was a slave & now you have grandchildren with no end of this in sight. WE lost the will to continue the FIGHT bcuz rws is RELENTLESS!!! Let's talk about some of those who did what they could.
Before that, what WE must first admit is that most insurrections that FAILED was bcuz of some negro snitch ass niKKKa ran & TOLD THAT!!!!! In fact, there are monuments DEADicated to those niKKKa's who gave US up during those days. But WE not gonna talk about 'em on here.......nah, WE gonna talk about some REAL REVOLUTIONARIES who spoke their TRUTH as it needed to be said knowing that at any time, ANYTHING could happen.
WE MUST REMEMBER that racist white supremacy is a WORLD WIDE PHENOMENON & it only differs according to place & time. In earnest, what really shook the ameriKKKan government of the late 1700's & early 1800's was how those HAITIANS kicked napoleons ass outta there when he had the strongest military of all. This caused france to get BROKE & they had to sell all of that louisianna purchase land to what would become the U.S, doubling the land mass in 1 move. Like hitler, napoleon was merely a PAWN on the GRAND CHESSBOARD of rws & as WE now see, even cristobal colon (ya might call him Kkkolumbus) were all played to the left when the illuminatists thought that they were done bcuz the peepo wasn't having it anymore. So.......the REALEST SHIT started in Haiti & this caused these dixie niKKKa's many sleepless nights & distress. Or did willy lynch start it earlier in 1712? Big up to Dutty Boukman, Toussant Louverture & Jean Dessalines.
Now.......WE get to what is now known as the u.s of KKK & my main dude, Denmark Veasy. For this, WE quote:
Insurrection leader. Probably born on St. Thomas, West Indies. The property of Captain Vesey, a Charleston, South Carolina, slave trader and planter, he spent 20 years sailing with his master. In 1800 he purchased his freedom (allegedly having won a lottery), took up carpentry in Charleston, and prospered at his trade.
By 1818 he was preaching to slaves at plantations throughout the region and, drawing on the Bible, he told them that, like the Israelites, they would gain their freedom. Although he would later deny it, he allegedly held meetings at his home to collect arms for an uprising he was planning for as many as 9000 African-Americans in South Carolina. The plan was betrayed by several fearful slaves and he and others were seized.
He defended himself ably at his trial, but was sentenced and hanged along with about 35 blacks; some 35 others were sold to West Indian plantation owners. It would have been the largest slave revolt in U.S. history, but its end result was the passing of even stricter laws against African-Americans.*

R.I.P Bobby Womack
So can ya now see how TIME shapes CONSCIOUSNESS? In REACTION to slavery/rws & so much more, REVOLUTIONARIES were now forced to be REACTIONARIES! As the oldest peepo on the earth, it was as if the CRAZIES took over the ASYLUM or the CHILDREN running the HOUSE! Who & what are these peepo? WE move from there to David Walker & his APPEAL that instead of explaining, I will post here as a link. ( What I would suggest is that ya find out about 1 of US who IMHO, doesn't get enough credit for what he did for US!
And now to my favorite dude ever & that's Killa KraKKa aka, Gat aka, Nat Turner! I ain't got SHIT to say about Mr Turner other than this: Oh yea..........this as As both links are under 3 minute, please check them both, ENJOY & LAUGH!!!!
Last but not least, WE go to possibly, the most FAMOUS/INFAMOUS & that would be Frederick Douglass who may be known as an ABOLITIONIST today but by OUR STANDARDS, was a FREEDOM FIGHTER bcuz he actually FOUGHT for his! That there is an OURSTORY by itself but to know, do ya RESEARCH! Unfortunately, Douglass was half KraKka & therefore, like maya angelou cannot get full props here but...........I BELIEVE that after a FASHION, like Kanye West that Douglass was given the position to be who he became so as to LEAD those wretched of the earth. The KraKKa just loves to prop up those of US who have his blood to say that only 1/2 KraKKa's or the TALENTED TENTH can succeed as a result of that admixture. Check OUR series from last year ( to see what I mean. This dude lived out his life with some wrinkly old white bitch as Kwame Nkrumah did. Like dubois, this dude made some DUBIOUS moves but I will reserve judgement. thurgood marshall was a sellout so even in OURSTORY, be careful about who ya following.
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THANKS for your SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So what RIVER will drive ya CONSCIOUSNESS to EVOLVE? As frustrating as shit is for those of US who want ya to see THIS SHIT for what it is, more & more of Y'ALL is getting it & when ya do, it's your DUTY to teach what ya know. Y'all thinking that it's gonna stay this way but it ain't! What will be yo legacy? How will WE remember YOU? In OUR last & final installment of this series, WE gonna get into OUR post slavery WARRIOR SCHOLARS including MYSELF & in it, I ask that ya buy that book above bcuz it goes in something REAL SIRIUS! In part VI, WE gonna cover some of OUR greatest in Dr Clarke, Dr Ben, Steve Cokely, Dr Ivan van Sertima & too many to mention so STAY TUNED & let's do this while WE EVOLVE in CONSCIOUSNESS! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!
- to be continued -
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