Before we can begin to consider the evolution of consciousness, we have to ask when consciousness first arose? Are human beings alone conscious, or are other creatures also conscious? Is an animal such as a dog, for example, conscious?*

Hey Y'ALL & welcome BLAK to b2a where I TEACH, INFORM, CONVINCE, PISS YA OFF, LEARN & basically, do what I do & that's ALL of the ABOVE! In doing that, WE gotta know that another GIANT died making DEATH comes in 3's TRUE as in maya angelou, Ruby Dee & Lil Jimmy Scott just a few days ago. If ya don't know who he was, check this here at

 Jimmy Scott performs at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival in 2001.

Little Jimmy Scott (1925 - 2014)

With that, YOU out there reading this must know that it is US who MUST pick up that MANTLE that OUR ANCESTORS leave behind. As rws crumbles more & more everyday, WE MUST work on OUR OWN MORTALITY & with that, what happens to SELF when ya enter that next realm. In this new series, what WE are gonna talk about is the EVOLUTION of CONSCIOUSNESS as what this means is different things at different times. As I've aged into my LATE TEENS, I see that a lot of the info that was once how WE lived is no longer valid yet too many wanna hold on to what doesn't work. The very NATURE of WHO WE ARE is so different from even the 80's & unfortunately, most of US are not adjusting with it or should I say...........WE have ADJUSTED to the NEGATIVE ASPECTS more! For this series, what WE gonna do is go BLAK & start off with our 1st ever recorded MULTI-GENIUS ever & his name is Imhotep as pictured above. Let's get into it................

Imhotep - aka the Father of Medicine (hippocrates was a hypocrite as Imhotep came 2200 years prior) just for starters. Now don't get it twisted y'all, he was the 1st RECORDED multi-genius & hence, wrote down many potions, healing herbs & their properties as well as many other things. Imhotep was a great architect & was RUMORED 2 be the son of Ptah, a deity who could never be figured out. (THAT's ME) I walk in that same spirit as I was dubbed such by a Queen Mother once. Some of his titles include Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt, Sculptor & Maker of Vases in Chief & Hereditary Nobleman. Ayo, this dude was also a poet (today he would have been an MC) & a philosopher extraordinaire! Imhotep along with AMENhotep were the only 2 mortals who reached deified royal status in Ancient Kemet now known as Egypt though neither had any ROYAL BLOOD. What I'm saying here truly does not do him full justice & I suggest y'all do some research on his life. Imhotep is still in the building!

Now the reason why I went BLAK so far was to show ya that WE had the very 1st multi-genius before euro's were even acknowledged as PEEPO........remember, if ya BELIEVE that adam was an actual MAN, know that he represented the LEPER ALBINO EDOMITE PEEPO who came BLAK into CIVILIZATION after many years of exile in the NORTH & got stuck in the ICE AGE like what michael bradley said in the ICE MAN INHERITANCE! On to the NEXT!

Amenhotep...........known as the 1st GOD to promote MONOTHEISM! In case ya didn't know, this means the BELIEF in 1 GOD ONLY! Keeping in mind that WE are speaking on consciousness, WE must ask why he made it so that WE HONOR only 1 GOD so let's see........

"Almost as soon as Akhenaten became the sole ruler of Egypt, he began to alter the traditional presentation of the pharaoh and the ways state business was conducted. For instance, he took on a new title, "Prophet of Ra-Horakhte" ("Ra of the Horizon")—note no Amun, the god of mysteries and hidden truth whose name appears in so many Egyptian appellations, e.g. Amunhotep and Tutankhamun—"Prophet of Ra-Horakhte" hints at a certain degree of dissatisfaction with conventional religion, especially since by Akhenaten's day Amun had long been seen as the central deity in the extensive pantheon of Egyptian gods whose center of worship was Thebes, the capital city of Egypt. But soon a new day would dawn and Akhenaten would change all that."

Just two or three years into his reign, there is clear evidence that a major shift in Egyptian religion has begun. By now the pharaoh had moved the court and capital away from Thebes to Akhetaten and had adopted a new title, the name we know him by, Akhenaten which means in Egyptian "he is agreeable (Akhen-) to the sun-disk (-aten)." To have effectively removed Amun from his name seems like an all-but-open declaration of warfare against the dominant religious authority in the day, the Amun priesthood based in Thebes. And as if that weren't enough, archaeological evidence shows that around this time Akhenaten began closing down Amun temples across Egypt and even had the name Amun erased from some inscriptions. Later, he went so far as to order the word "gods" removed and changed to "god," wherever it occurred in public inscriptions. Whether or not this is monotheism by theological standards, it's certainly grammatical monotheism.

 Boom Bye-Bye Hip Hop Will Never Die

 The DEFINITIVE BOOK if ya MUST KNOW what the Entertainment Industry is really all about! WE got 'em on deck for ya at OUR paypal account at For ya personally autographed copy, get at US here OR..........on Facebook as Blak Smith (Blak Smiff) To get the book directly, get US at OUR lulu account here As it's WAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR, HOLLA BLAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But what was Akhenaten's beef with Amun? Why did he dislike this god so intensely? Scholars have suggested it was because Amun as the god of secrets was too obscure a deity, too inaccessible to the public. Indeed, shrines to Amun are invariably situated in the middle of temple complexes, roofed and dark, where priests alone may enter and then only on special occasions. Perhaps Akhenaten wished to open up Egyptian religion to a wider clientele, not just the clergy, and so he constructed a capital which was the antithesis of Amun worship, exposed as much as possible to the full light of day, as the buildings of Akhetaten are: few roofed structures, little shade, and constant exposure to Akhenaten's true father as far as he was concerned, not Amunhotep III but the aten.**

So WE now see who Akhenaten was & why MONOTHEISM came into being! The level of consciousness is what WE talking about & INTENSE CREATIVITY can emerge when not having to deal with racist white supremacy. All WE did was let NATURE speak to US but is the main concern! BLAK then, whatever euros was living were SAVAGES, NEANDERTHALS & what would be considered BEASTS suffering from PLAGUES & WARS bcuz those who have NOTHING MUST TAKE from those who HAVE & WE had it all! The point I wanna make is that TIME changes CONSCIOUSNESS just like how marching & petitioning don't work anymore............why not STRIKE from ya J.O.B for 1 week?

                                                      - to be continued -

* taken from

** taken from


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