Yes, RANDOM INFO yet IMPORTANT & to have INTERNATIONAL FUTURE CONSEQUENCES! What the HELL y'all talking about? Before WE go anywhere, DON'T get it TWISTED, that FERGUSON SHITUATION is FAR from OVER Y'ALL! There is now a NEWS BLAK OUT & the peepo is still out there in them STREETS demanding JUST-US! After trying to download dozens of vids off of JEWtube of US interrupting that city council meeting & all of 'em going out on Me, WE now know that the FIX is IN & so do what ya gotta do bcuz JUSTICE ain't coming from politicians yo! Instead........check this video & even though it's from a DEVIL, know that KNOWLEDGE is KNOWLEDGE; http://www.brasschecktv.com/videos/government-corruption-1/how-politicians-see-you.html. (dude really sums it all up at about 12:45)

Know that WE are peepo of NATURE! WE are the GODS & GODDESSES of the EARTH & so THINKING that WE gonna take it BLAK by being VIOLENT ain't gonna happen. Just be READY for when that's needed! NATURE = MAMA aka MAMA NATURE aka METU NETER & that's REAL TALK! Check out what's going on out WEST where WE ain't at in large numbers; http://www.usatoday.com/story/weather/2014/09/09/southwest-flooding-storms-arizona/15325881/
As well, those out in KKKilla KKKali have this to contend with; http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-king-fire-threatens-1600-homes-northern-california-20140917-story.html. Whether ya believe it or not, WE'VE all heard that the West Coast is supposed to fall into the pacific ocean..........what happens during an earthquake & massive volcano eruption? WE at b2a have seen FIRE & WE'VE seen RAIN!

And in other INTERNATIONAL NEWS that ya probably THINK won't affect ya but ya need to know; http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/heartache-for-those-dreaming-of-scottish-independence/2014/09/19/151fda21-968f-4553-a32e-def411dbb0bc_story.html. Those SHEEP there wanna be SCOTT FREE!!!

For just under a year now, I was apprised that just maybe that these RUMORS were just that but...........it keeps coming up & WE gotta talk about it & so here goes...........http://politicalvelcraft.org/2012/10/12/hillary-clinton-kept-silent-about-bathhouse-barry-jeremiah-wrights-gay-cover-at-trinity-church-where-3-gays-were-murdered-coup-des-gras-within-6-weeks/. (Please notice that this particluar link doesn't HYPERLINK aka ya gotta copy & paste it into ya browser....ask self WHY?) As well, check out what's going on in cyberworld regarding a recent death; http://racerules.wordpress.com/2014/09/08/joan-rivers-murdered-by-jews-for-outing-michelle-obama/. Don't get upset with Me.........I just report what I FIND!!!!

Anyhoo.........................in other (p)residential news; http://www.commondreams.org/news/2012/05/13/war-tribunal-finds-bush-cheney-guilty-war-crimes. Could this be the reason why not 1 but 2 Malaysian Planes just dropped outta the sky? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. The above link is from 2 years ago but how about this?; http://aattp.org/september-11-2014-bush-goes-to-trial-for-war-crimes/.

This is just PLAIN FUCKED UP & RETRIBUTION is for THEM & ALL OTHER PEEPO of the WORLD will JOIN up in UNISON to give 'em 1 big FINAL ASS WHIPPING for SHIT like this; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdp0GNGbCUE.

As if WE didn't already have enough to WORRY ABOUT even though I ain't; http://news.yahoo.com/enterovirus-ev-d68-cdc-cases-140545687.html

Check this......with the exception of the mma, the most BRUTAL SPORT WE watch FANATICALLY is gonna have 4 devil women fixing the nfl? I thought that the nfl stood for Niggaz For Life! Well anyway, these DISQUALIFICATIONS or what have ya are again, to distraKKKt US away from all the SHIT ya not paying attention to & that's why I had to write this! Most of them dudes is on 'ROIDS & so they gonna WILD OUT every so often! Most of them players sound like ROGUE POLICE OFFICERS but; http://hellobeautiful.com/2014/09/17/nfl-domestic-violence-policy/. In a somewhat related matter, who remembers this?; http://www.xojane.com/sports/dont-call-ben-roethlisberger-rapist.

Just for KICKS & GIGGLES; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Jw9UsD2pq8. (taken from John Stewart of the Daily Show)

And finally, WE get to the end.........the New Development Bank that I spoke of in my last series, B.R.I.C.Squad! Those interested in where the WORLD MARKETS are going better get up on this here bcuz it's coming & WE can't say it enough! As I just completed that series just days ago, check this out as this is the ONLY WAY that WE can finally BREATHE AGAIN if the BRICS doesn't take off SOON; http://finance.yahoo.com/news/instead-qe-fed-could-given-094500275.html.

I ain’t perfekt, but take it from Me

So.....somebody has to INFORM US on what WE should be ANALYZING that the mainstream media isn't covering adequately! WE at b2a wanna ask that ya SUPPORT OUR PRODUCTS & SERVICES & the link to do just that is provided for ya EASY PEASY here; http://www.black2afrika.blogspot.com/2014/09/t-shirts-more-on-deck.html. If ya don't need/want what WE got, send a DONATION! Get with US, let's do BIZ & as always, HOLLA BLAK bcuz WEat WAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next up.....the Blak Smith's lecture at United African Movement in Brooklyn NY          


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