there's a LOT GOING ON!

(the late & GREAT Dr Yosef Ben Jochannan)

Dr. Yosef Alfredo Antonio ben-Jochannan (“Dr. Ben”) was the preeminent “Multi-Genius of Our Time.” Therefore, he cannot be defined or scrutinized by Western academic standards, given the fact that he forever altered how classical African civilizations, in particular the Nile Valley, can be viewed and examined in colleges and throughout the global African comm....more at

A few days ago, I posted the VICTORY of RAMSEY ORTA winning the much needed money for BAIL on TRUMPED UP CHARGES! ( Imagine the GRAND MIND FUCK that I encountered when I saw this last night..............; STAY VIGILANT bcuz they are gonna try & KILL this dude!

 Image result for pic of slager shooting walter scott

Now, let's get into what keeps happening & THANK GOD, with the exception of Orta, isn't OVERTLY occurringin nyc (at least to my knowledge), aka the case of Walter Scott. As this is all still fresh, I won't go in too hard but WE gotta know that til that point TIPS, some of US are gonna be SACRIFICES! Anyone who watched that video knows that dude was shot by a HATER but.......use this as FUEL to PROTECT the camera man so that there is no RAMSEY ORTA Part II!

Big up to Faden Santana  & as that situation happened in north charleston sc, a small town, WE need to LEARN from past MISTAKES, RALLY around & most of all, PROTECT HIM! As well, with him sounding intelligent & well rounded, this is the time for ALL of US to finally UNITE as Ramsay is Latino & as far as I can see, Santana is too! This divide that too many Blaks & Latino's have between US needs to stop ASAP & hopefully, this will be the generation that gets that! Anyone reading this needs to get to those FAMILIES & aid in keeping this young Man from any harm whatsoever! If ya for freedom & can't help any other way, spread this message as this BS MUST STOP!

Before I get on what Mumia Abu Jamal is going thru, WE gotta know that the NATURE of the BEAST is to have US chasing down so many FIRES until WE so tired that WE become INNEFECTIVE so pick yo BATTLES wisely! As I recently learned that the geo-politiKKKal games being played with cuba & north korea are nothing but GAMES, WE now ask just where the hell is Assata now? Ok........Mumia is very ill with eczema & fell into a diabetic shock in prison last week. Couple this with the attempted POISONING of Ramsey Orta & WE at b2a see a troubling pattern emerging. Did ya even hear about; PHIL AFRICA, a high-ranking member of the Black-liberation group MOVE, died Saturday at the Pennsylvania Correctional Institution at Dallas, according to NBC10. No cause of death was given, and remaining members of the group were quick to say he died under "suspicious circumstances." more at The point is that the more DESPERATE they get, the more ya better be VIGILANT especially if ya FIGHTING to be FREE!

KEEP UP the GOOD FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At the end of the day, all I wanna be is LEBERATED! The beginning of the week featured a white dude named brian whit who made a video named 

White Man On White Supremacy & Fear of a Black Nation.

What he said was GANGSTA & TRUE to FORM but why do WE need anyone explaining all of this at this point? WE still got peepo out there who want PROOF for EVERYTHING as if HI-STORY isn't ENOUGH! WTF? Isn't it just easier to let common & pharell play themselves? WE gonna close this out & leave ya with the video but just know that if ya can do ANYTHING to FREE US, do so & do it without FEAR bcuz ya LIFE doesn't belong to YOU................nah it belongs to US! HOLLA BLAK & know that WE are at WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!


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