Being BLACK is the BEST - Part III First off, my sincerest APOLOGIES to those LOYAL to this blog as WE hurry into HAPPIER TIMES! The future is looking quite bright if ya know how to look at it correctly. I say all that bcuz things are HEATING UP on the usKKKa & I showed just a sliver of that in BBitB Part II aka Before WE get into Part III though let's explain just a lil about world geopolitics. WE can start with this article of more WAR in Mali which the usKKKa decided to attack bcuz the us KKK a owes the franks their GOLD & now this; The usKKKa also owes Germany & now outta the blue all of these FALSE FLAGS with a big 1 in Colorado just a few days ago. Notice how the jews in is(NOT)real are really quiet? The so called middle east is a MESS! The Kkkabal is busy at work so just go out & spend ya m...