Being BLACK is the BEST - Part III

First off, my sincerest APOLOGIES to those LOYAL to this blog as WE hurry into HAPPIER TIMES! The future is looking quite bright if ya know how to look at it correctly. I say all that bcuz things are HEATING UP on the usKKKa & I showed just a sliver of that in BBitB Part II aka Before WE get into Part III though let's explain just a lil about world geopolitics. WE can start with this article of more WAR in Mali which the usKKKa decided to attack bcuz the usKKKa owes the franks their GOLD & now this; The usKKKa also owes Germany & now outta the blue all of these FALSE FLAGS with a big 1 in Colorado just a few days ago. Notice how the jews in is(NOT)real are really quiet? The so called middle east is a MESS! The Kkkabal is busy at work so just go out & spend ya money & forget about Paris & Fukishima. Eat yaself to death & die of over consumption. Peace to all of my REAL AFRIKANS!

So let's get back into what makes BLAK PEEPO aka US the SHIT! In OUR last segment, WE left off at M & was that loaded or what? If ya want Moor, well here WE go; 

N - WE are the Nagas or what the word God used to mean. By NATURE WE are all Natural! Note that like Good, if ya take the L off of GOLD, ya got God but WE talking the letter N now. NOW is OUR TIME & just bcuz it ain't right Now doesn't mean that it's far off. I luv all of my N - words & before ya ASSume anything different, this is my favorite N; Fuck all that waiting shit, I wanna be FREE here & NOW & for all this shit to NEVER happen again just like the khazar says. 

O - the letter the Indegenous ameriKans used to greet each other with & then the Krakka said give 'em HELL & thus hellO. Despite what WE'VE been thru, WE'RE still a worthy peepo & OUR disposition more than proves it. Most of US still smile more than smirk. WE are that Oil that is the LIFE BLOOD of ALL LIVING THINGS! Y'all do knOw that Oil is the earth's blood eh? WE are Opinionated & why shouldn't WE be? WE are waiting for this shit to be Officialy Over so that WE can go Our Own way! Ayo, sell Me an O so I can get high! I'm Out.

P - all WE got is US my Peepo & so.......................I have it all. I started this with the A's & Afrika & what she has is so Precious starting with the Peepo & how WE Perform. Our Past was glorious & OUR future will be as well but IDK if I have any Patience left but if I'm telling ya to have some I must also Participate. Let's keep getting Prepared for all of this bcuz til it's Peace it's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

R -

That is the leadeR of my generation of what was known as MC's from the 80 - 90's. If ya have yet to notice, WE gonna finish each segment of this series with what my interpretation of what God is! As the R is the 18th letter, numeroligically speaking, WE can break down the God MC as 6 electRons, 6 pRotons & 6 neutRons & so when speaking of the 666, think of that! Ok, don't think of God as outside of yaself but....................what about the God in YOU? I'm talking to EVERY single BLAK PERSON & so when are ya gonna find out that what OUR PARENTS taught US was FALSE? If ya still a zealot, I have nothing to say to ya bcuz I would just be wasting time. In OUR last segment, WE gonna get into more Gods so check for it. Be the HIGHER POWER that ya wish to see. Til the next time, this is the Blak Smith from b2a & for now..........................................WE OUTTA HERE!

                                                              - to be continued -


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