Being BLACK is the BEST - Part II

So, WE'RE BLACK & in case ya didn't get to Part I, here it is; Ya see, it has to make SENSE in order for it all to make DOLLARS that are pretty much WORTHLESS now. A lotta shit going on lately & just to SHOW US how PROPHETIC I can be, please allow Me to show ya something I wrote before that BS popped off in Mali a few days ago.........................

The u.sKKKa stated a WAR in Mali to pay the french back for their GOLD even though the franKKKs colonized Mali..........they playing the germans for their GOLD bcuz the usKKKa is banKKKru.....more at

So, can ya see it yet? Basically speaking, that KraKKa is fighting HIMSELF & in the process of it all, some niKKKa's is gonna feel it bcuz WE just COLLATERAL DAMAGE so do ya best to stay outta their way bcuz as I type these words, it's going down! I posted that above article on Nov 15th & the Malian situation popped off on the 20th or eXXXactly 1 week after Paris. Have y'all seen what they're doing to their own & by that I mean holistic doctors & banKKKsters. What's in Mali & why are the peepo there going thru all of this? Starting back with Part I of the series, Mali has plenty of Gold, cotton & as it's in Afrika, so much more! Let's get back into those letters & see what WE come up with.

H - Afrikans from the Boogie Down BRONX made it so that WE have a WORLD CULTURE aka the double H or Hip Hop! What other culture could be defined as adjustable to the environment that it comes from like OURS? Any of ya who have traveled outside the US can attest to the scenery & Hip Hop has influenced it NEGATIVE & POSITIVE. Too bad bcuz like al Qaeda & isis, the CONTROL of it all is now at tavistock institute. WE need to Hate those who Hate US bcuz if ya ain't using it then ya WASTING it but do not allowe it to consume ya. Do a google search if ya don't know about tavistock or justy buy my book where I go in heavy on it.

I - Are ya like that BIA rachel dolezal or this dude who to Me, at least APPEARS to have OUR FEATURES but............. Check that out for a mind bender. What I'm asking is how do ya Identify self? What is the Ideology that goes with this? What Is It about US that makes them wanna be US when WE are the most reviled? It may be what Professor Frances Cress Welsing said in the just above vid.........Shit, IDK!

J - Well, I want Justice & I want it now! Do y'all know that spain has an arrest warrant out for that is(NOT)real dude?; If ya have the time to make a list, ya would find that most of these so called elites have warrants out on 'em or have been konvikkted already in ABSENTIA for misdemeanors & high crimes! Ya may not beLIEve Me & so proof must be shown! All of those so called's are gonna soon see they day.

K - what happened in Kenya in April at that Mall is just more fuKKKery to Keep the peepo in fear & WE all know that it stands for False Evidence Appearing Real! Anyone who knows anything about Afrika knows that for the most part, the north is mainly islamic & the south, KKKristain & then here comes that KraKKa to supply weapons, stir the pot & voila...............................CIVIL WARS! However, WE gonna stay doing the KNOWLEDGE while listening to perhaps the GREATEST HIP HOP song ever & his last name begins with a K & that's; Enjoy &

 Boom Bye-Bye Hip Hop Will Never Die
To cop this book, inbox Me as Blak Smith (Blak Smiff) on fb or hit the link here; & follow instructions. At b2a, WE sure do LUV US some Blak Peepo!

L - earn! On so many LeveLs WE'VE already won! What get's US thru this all though is LOVE that they will NEVER HAVE! They have nightmares that visit 'em thru the ancestral plane telling 'em to continue doing what they do! What I wish to tell y'all in this 1 is to stop thinking that they are gonna become Loving when ya have no prior proof of it & I'm not talking about that occasional reaL 1 either. WE must Lead OURSELVES to that promised LAND! Be the change ya wish to see.

M - the MC as I like to call it meaning Melinated Color as I rock the Mic!The Most colored Metal is GOLD & as said before, you can only find it abundantly in the Mother Land! Going beyond that thought, Ma'at + Melanin = Money aka REAL Money = GOLD! Listen at the 1st vid under the title pic & ENJOY after ya take a whiff of the Marijuana that will soon be Legal in every state!Who got roll up?

Yea yo, as that Krakka enjoys his last days, rejoice in knowing that this will soon be over. I told y'all that this would be the last year of SUFFERING but WE still going thru it! Everywhere WE look, they seem to be encountering muchas problemas & I just luv that! The i.r.s is SHUT DOWN but I don't hate on those who say otherwise. As they said back in those days, let 'em eat caKKKe bcuz I'm going with what I believe in. Put 'em up for the youngest in charge & see ya when WE go from N - R in Part III . Til it's peace, it's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!


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