101 WAYS to SEE how the DEVIL LOSES

DON'T BE TEMPTED TO LOSE HEART - Never give the enemy a place in your life through unrighteous thoughts, words, or deeds. That is the only way he can win. The blood of the Lamb and your testimony made you an overcomer. You have all the authority you need to stand and resist the enemy. So, do not be tempted to lose heart. Keep pressing forward. Keep believing. THIS JOURNEY MAY NOT BE EASY, BUT IT WILL BE WORTH EVERY STEP YOU TAKE: Wont, Faith, Jesus, Truth, Wisdom, Inspirational Quotes, Don T, Devil


Hey y'all, hope ya good since OUR last entry which was the sexy sultry Anita Baker gracing US with her sounds or COMPOSITIONS & in case ya missed it, here goes; http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2015/12/classic-album-of-week-2-anita-baker_14.html. WE hope that ya listen to that while reading this message that will go in on a lotta stuff that's been happening in local areas & internationally. It's been a minute since I last graced these pages so sit BLAK bcuz this 1 here will TRY & COVER ALL that I've missed since WE last went in. WE hope that y'all stay along for the ride bcuz this promises to be good as a lotta this stuff will be my OPINIONS & so if ya differ, be RESPECTFUL in doing so! Let's go!

Just the latest FALSE FLAG........... Female Killer In Las Vegas Shouted 'Allahu Akbar' As She Ran Over 40 Innocent People Last Night

What really happened with that downed Russian jet a few weeks ago? Well, supposedly turkey downed it bcuz it supposedly was in it's airspace but putin heavily disputes that & is imposing lotsa sanctions against 'em now. BTW, didja hear about this?; http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/13/europe/russia-turkey-ship-collision/. I betcha ya didn't bcuz them niKKKa's is doing what WE call SELECTIVE NEWSCASTING. That's pretty big news when a SUPER POWER fires on another & then sends a ship to protect those waters!

Did y'all hear about soetero signing the omnibus spending bill into effect just last week? This averts yet another governmental shutdown & that's at http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2015/12/19/spending-bill-represents-cease-fire-battle-over-executive-power/77553800/

In Argentina the other day, 43 POLICE OFFICERS died in a crash on a bridge & when I saw the story, I was immediately alarmed bcuz for that many to die is not a small feat. When I further read into the story, I found that they were really BORDER PATROL TYPES & check the last comment in the story; Border security has become a hot issue in Argentina as the country has emerged as a part of a route used for smuggling Andean cocaine to Europe & for human traffickers sending SYRIAN REFUGEES thru the Western Hemisphere.* 

Meanwhile, nyc is going thru another HOMELESS CRISIS & the mayor, de blasio had to cut the dude running it but keeps him on as an adviser.......smh & these lame ass tactics but if they would REGULATE RENTS so that beKKKy & kyle from iowa could pay the same rent..........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcpMYx_fowE.

Stop-and-frisk is at a record low – and New York City is the safest it has been in years.............more at http://www.nyclu.org/files/releases/stopfrisk_briefer_FINAL_20151210.pdf.

The state is loosening rules for welfare recipients, making it easier for people to skip work ­requirements and still collect benefits. Gov. Cuomo signed a bill Friday that eliminates the automatic suspension of benefits when recipients don’t meet work require......more at http://nypost.com/2015/12/19/collecting-welfare-benefits-without-working-just-got-easier/.

Paris was attacked by a false flag in mid November. There was a so called climate summit on Nov 30th & in it, they declared that they would cease using fossil fuels by 2030 but WE here at b2a have been reporting that it's OVER bcuz of Tesla's FREE ENERGY but check this out; http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2015/10/on-october-26th-all-energy-is-free-from_25.html

As if WE didn't have tuskegee, Henrietta Lacks & so many examples but..............http://www.science20.com/news_articles/minorities_less_likely_to_trust_physicians-162228

About 2 weeks ago, a whole bunch of asian ny police officers were BUSTED on corruption charges a year after the false flag of 2 KKKops getting killed. The question I have is why all of a sudden?

There are big charges of corruption and bribery against two NYPD officers at the 109th precinct.
They are accused of protecting drug activities at karaoke social clubs instead of clamping down on illeg.......more at http://queenscrap.blogspot.com/2015/12/cops-tipped-off-flushing-bars-about.html

There was a katholikk priest who had a boyfriend that was extorting him for loot but priests ain't supposed to have sex &.............the Kkkardinal of the archdiosis of ny knew & plead ignorance when it all came out. Everything is going down yo!; http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3357492/Former-girlfriend-homosexual-S-M-master-reveals-sordid-details-Bronx-priest-s-sexual-escapades-ex-boyfriend-s-revealed-Cardinal-KNEW-relationship.html

In entertainment news, this little reported story made me CRINGE.  "Kanye doesn't want North or the new baby to be on the show anymore," the source explains. "He is really mad that Kim and Khloe and their mom exploit Lam......more at http://www.metro.us/entertainment/kanye-doesn-t-want-to-keep-up-with-the-kardashians-after-lamar-stunt/zsJokp---6JXDPA0FPll02/

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9tLw2yH6Cw - All FALLS Down by Kanye West

In keeping up with that last situation; http://www.metro.us/entertainment/lamar-odom-is-not-doing-great/zsJolp---mkmAaD8LsZc/.

The TITLE says it all as in U.S. sells weapons to Taiwan, angering China.........more at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/30/AR2010013000508.html. How about the usKKKa provoking China in their territory?; www.cnn.com/2015/12/18/asia/u-s-south-china-sea-airspace/.

the Federal Reserve embarks on a new chapter in monetary policy, having raised rates on Dec. 16 for the first time in nearly a decade, policy makers are acutely aware of the risks pos.........more at http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/21/business/economy/effects-of-past-interest-rate-increases-offer-guide-to-future-risks.html?_r=0.

If you are in the nyc area at the beginning of the 2016, check this out as it looks to be VERY INTERESTING..........more at https://www.facebook.com/nyttravelshow/?ref=nf.

There will be no prescription needed for HEROIN OVERDOSES bcuz on the low, most addicts today are KraKKa's; http://www.drugfree.org/join-together/cvs-will-sell-naloxone-without-prescription-14-states/.

I know y'all heard about that Kkkop who raped BW but what about this whistle blowing dude?; http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/craig-matthews-nypd-quotas_5665cab8e4b072e9d1c6d86b

Y'all do know that some TOP ny politicos are doing FOOTBALL NUMBERS in PRISON eh?; https://www.termlimits.org/speaker-senate-prez-sent-to-prison-as-ny-cauldron-of-corruption-bubbles-over/

This may be the very 1st movie I may go see as it talks about all of wall street's ILLEGALITIES; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgqG3ITMv1Q

What the HELL is going on?; http://unitedwithisrael.org/did-israel-attack-syrian-military-targets/

the PRIDE AGENDA is COMPLETE!; http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/empire-state-pride-agenda-lgbt-rights-group-close-article-1.2464311. My question is, when did it start?

nyc area reports say that manhattan is too expensive making peepo consider moving to of all places, Jamaica Queens which is far from manhattan & possibly, the only fully BLAK NABE left in nyc or; www.fox5ny.com/news/57684521-story.

At the last meeting between john Kkkerry & putin, them ruskies told the u.skkka that REGIME CHANGE for assad aint gonna happen as I told yáll that the ruskies are now running shit! If ya dont beLIEve Me; www.globalresearch.ca/kerry-no-longer-seeking-regime-change-in-syria/5496201.

Why has it been so warm in the northeast lately? After a cold weekend, it has warmed up unseasonable yet again!

Did yáll hear that Iran test fired missiles in October & that the usKKKa is sanctioning ém again?; www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/2017/iran-tests-another-mid-range-missile-in-breach-un-resolution.html.

Yáll do know that the pope has asked for YOU to PRAY for him bcuz hes just as GUILTY as the rest of ém eh? Yáll do know that he has already declared a JUBILEE eh? Their day of reconciliation was last Monday the 14th. www.cruxnow.com/church/2015/03/13/in-surprise-move-pope-francis-declares-a-holy-year-of-mercy/.

They still messing with dominique strauss khan or the dude who supposedly raped an Afrikan chick in a ny hotel room a few years ago but..............what's so creepy about this?; http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/12056854/DSK-has-a-five-year-old-love-child-born-while-he-was-still-IMF-chief.html. They trying to do this dude like they doing cosby!

By now most of know that a.i.d.s izza HOAX but what about this dude?; http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/martin-shkreli-asshole-who-jacked-up-hiv-pill-prices-is-a-litigious-bully-too.454590633/.


Back then it was considered a mark of society to have a wet nurse so that your wife didn't have to do the breast feeding. Some women were ill after child birth. Forrest bought the only slave he personally owned partly because she had a little baby and his wife had just had one and was sic.......more at http://www.metro.us/new-york/new-york-milk-bank-opens-two-drop-off-locations-for-breast-milk/zsJojC---N3pIbTAFQOsw/

And in other distraKKKtionary entertainment news; http://www.inquisitr.com/2648649/kourtney-kardashian-justin-bieber-hook-up-heats-up-scott-disick-acts-un-lordly-as-she-aids-kylie-jenner-photos/. Wasn't she with james harden a minute ago?


Just like Blaks who came from the south & went back, REVERSE MIGRATION izza.........more at http://money.cnn.com/2015/11/19/news/economy/more-mexicans-leaving-us-than-coming/.

And in more Mexican news.......................Mexico’s Supreme Court rules that smoking pot is a fundamental human right...........https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/11/05/mexicos-supreme-court-rules-that-smoking-weed-is-a-fundamental-human-right/

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZnXgxODfHg - Sunshower by Dr Buzzards Savannah Band

The WAVE of the FUTURE is here with this; http://www.pvsolarreport.com/yeloha-launches-solar-sharing-in-new-york/.

the u.s official said the u.s was CERTAIN that the latest delivery reached the intended individuals...........more at http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-ammunition-exclusive-idUSKCN0T412O20151115.

New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer today released a detailed analysis of the City’s proposed rezoning plan for East New York, finding that the ‘affordable’ housing created by the plan would be too expensive for 55 percent of neighborhood residents, and that the new market rate units would be beyond the reach of 84% - See more at: http://comptroller.nyc.gov/newsroom/comptroller-scott-m-stringer-analysis-east-new-york-rezoning-puts-nearly-50000-area-residents-at-risk-of-displacement/#sthash.u68W2dgE.dpuf. 

Even though I don't like that he's gay, why did the judge let them go?; http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/orthodox-jew-accused-gang-beating-sees-charges-dropped-article-1.2471218

Let's end all this on a good note; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S043B5fKXSM - Someday We'll All be Free by Donny Hathaway (Live Versio*

WE get BLAK to Y'ALL inna few days with Part III of Classic Album of the Week so look out for that. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR & HOLLA BLAK! 



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