Dismantle a NATION - Part II

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK8sxngSWaU  - Don't BeLIEve the HYPE by Public Enemy

WE gotta post the TRUTH bcuz them niKKKA'S is LYING every single time their lips are moving! If ya need to know of what WE speak of, check out Part I so that it makes sense; http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2015/12/dismantle-nation.html. Things are getting quite interesting for those of US who really STUDY things like GEOPOLITICS & OURSTORY as WE blend, mix, chop & come out with conclusions. After all, what good is ANALysis if ya can't overstand it?

Ok........in Part I of OUR series, I posted an article which basically said that the imf ACCEPTED the Chinese Yuan into it's basket of currencies. Just to make it clear, check this comment from that very same article that I copied & pasted; The IMF decision reflects the declining influence of Europe in world financial markets. Or how about; In the new IMF designation, the IMF will give more weight to China’s currency than to either the yen or the pound.This currency, also known as the REMBINI is doing just like putin in russia which has SUPPLANTED the u.sKKKa in Syria. Can ya see yet what's going on as these articles need not be long? Bcuz of the importance of all this, I will repost the article so that yo denying ass could see it for yaself; http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/imf-adds-chinas-yuan-to-worlds-top-currencies/3088354.html

So, WE are now at 2 & what I was trying to glean to Y'ALL was what turkey got itself into by bombing that russian jet a few weeks ago. WE don't care what Y'ALL think bcuz WE KNOW that the usKKKa tricked 'em into doing it. The u.s is WEAK & cannot fight russia or china separately or together with all of their nato allies bcuz all parties have DEALS on the TABLE! The BRICS NATIONS have 68% of the world's population & WITH THAT.................? As I got that 1 from Ben Fulford & it goes any & everywhere saying so much so go check that & learn a whole bunch more & that's at http://hipknowsys.blogspot.com/2015/12/benjamin-fulford-december-7-2015.html

In the third segment was a crazy article on who they really are! Ya say ya already know about adam & eve & the curse of Ham blah blah blah but what ya know about WHAT & HOW he EVOLVED FROM? Ya ever seen these pics? Don't they always say that WE came from MONKEYS but pray tell, why have ya NEVER EVER heard of 1 of 'em tell ya WHAT & WHERE they EVOLVED FROM? Anyhoo, the article gets into the varied BLOOD TYPES & how the pool of it all got all mixed up. My head was spinning on that 1..............whewwwwwww! Anyhoo, as my REAL RESEARCHERS NEED OUR DOPE, here's the link at http://beforeitsnews.com/power-elite/2015/12/monkey-blood-rh-negative-blood-types-presidents-and-royalty-2450370.html.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHF27tAtfHs Tear it Down by Blue Magik

Now WE get into something that affects nearly every breathing body on earth & that's the price of oil. It has been said that the dinosaurs never existed & that these so called fossil fuels aka oil is actually the EARTH's BLOOD! I already told y'all short attention span MOTHER FLOCKERS that this was gonna be short but WE gotta make OUR POINT! Check this 4 minute video on what I just said; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVubK1nJdlg. As well, whatever oil is, it's soon going out bcuz that FREE ENERGY that TESLA tried to get to the PEEPO WORLDWIDE can no longer be suppressed; http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2015/10/on-october-26th-all-energy-is-free-from_25.html. Anyhoo, the posted article spoke on how oil going under $38 is gonna cause major major problems but all of the big boys already DIVESTED their MONEY while Y'ALL ate turkey & cake during last years xmas season! Anyhoo, check for yaself; http://www.theguardian.com/business/live/2015/dec/08/commodity-crunch-mining-shares-oil-chinese-trade-shock-business-live

this 50 second video is SELF EXPLANATORY; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJHkSda3pgI

Finally, WE get to OUR LAST segment & the infamous AIIB or the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank or the VEHICLE that will once & for all utterly DESTROY the DOLLAR which is already on it's DEATH BED but bcuz ya thinking about xmas & bonuses, ya can't see it! Well, what can ya see?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4alGYQN5njY  Mr President - Janelle Monae

The universe conspires to help US but not in ways that are obvious to the naked eye. Are ya even up on this stuff bcuz ya gonna gonna need to know this stuff soon. To round this all out, the rothschild family is the ruling family on earth as WE speak. Their HQ is in london uk (http://www.dp9.co.uk/projects/offices/rothschild_hq.html) making the uk the EVIL EMPIRE that dictates where the CENTER of WORLD TRADE aka the WORLD TRADE CENTER was located until.............ok, the dough comes into nyc & then spread to the other centers as in the nikkei & the nasdaq etc etc, hope ya getting it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qEkhSXNMs4 - Rage against the Machine Greatest Hits Full

That money then goes to the rogue pentagon which the zios hijacked like they did in Germany during wwII. By the way, angela merkel won time mag person of the year but who cares? The u.s took charge after all of those cold war nazi's (short for ashkeNAZI jews) came over & bought the shit that they was doing there thru george sherff aka SON of a BUSH & it's been on & popping since! Did ya know that the supposed royal fam mixed with 'em? Check this here at http://www.iamthewitness.com/books/Arnold.Leese/Gentile.Folly_The.Rothschilds/08.The.Rothschilds.and.British.Royalty.htm. After ya check that out, check the reposted article at http://www.publicfinance.co.uk/news/2015/12/uk-ratifies-aiib-agreement.

 I aint perfekt but take it from ME

Not trying to convince ya & so don't got much more to say. Please support US by sending DONATIONS or better yet, the Blak Smith has written 2 books. They make great Kwanzaa gifts or can serve as INSPIRATION to those who wanna know what to look out for. You can get at Me at the above link, at my email address as benblaksmith@yahoo.com or as Blak Smith (Blak Smiff) on fb. Stay tuned as things get really interesting. WWIII is already ON & POPPING! As well, see y'all with the next Classic Album of the Week. Til it's PEACE, it's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


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