Operation SAVE TITO!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiNSsN3EPOI&nohtml5=False Case of the Fake People by TLC

Gotta lil story to tell & before I get into it all lemme just let yáll know that I DON´T give a FLYING FUCK about what ya THINK about Me after it! That goes OUT to all of my friends & FAMILY & so if ya ain´t FEELING this...........Ya see, that dude in the pic above is my BROTHER & his name is Alejandro Lambert Jr but for the rest of this article WE will just call him Tito! He was born in a lil town in the mid 60´s called MANHATTAN, a normal young boy until some older dude..........let´s call him alex took him to a doctor who shot him up with PENICILIN which Tito was ALLERGIC to & it all DAMAGED his BRAIN making him AUTISTIC FOREVER CHANGING HIS LIFE! Isn´t it a SHAME that the JUNIOR in the FAMILY wound up paying for ALL of the SINS of LIFE waged by his own FATHER? Stay with US as I´m just getting started. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu59WhIN8rk&nohtml5=False Downpressor Man by Peter Tosh

Let´s cut to 1991 when my parents moved to Honduras bcuz that dude alex got an early retirement package deal & couldn´t have left the u.s fast enough if his ASS was on FIRE! I could go more into that & how that STILL poses PROBLEMS amongst my FRACTURED FAMILY but then this would be too long & so I won´t go there. alex was always was the type who PUT PRESSURE on his FAMILY citing that it´s HIS HOUSE which equates to STFU! Ya see this dude got everybody who doesn´t really know him FOOLED as he´s LOVED by his nephews & nieces but behind their backs he would talk SHIT about just about all of ém including YOU! His PEERS knows who the FUCK he is! He used to beat Me & my BROTHERS ASSES for NOTHING but ya know what? I reflected on being a young dude & FORGAVE MYSELF for being ANGRY at him til I got older. This niKKKa still TALKING to Me as if I HAVE TO LISTEN? As a MAN, don´t WE all DESERVE RESPECT? This niKKKa would say ANYTHING to DIS Moms & US! I am NOT EXXAGERATING! 

<b>Toxic</b> <b>People</b> <b>Quotes</b>. QuotesGram

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEWA3xQ7pOA Rumors by Timex Social Club

I came to this infamous country in 2000 & it was the SAME SHIT! This niKKKa´s way of seeing shit is just LISTEN bcuz you living in my HOUSE aka the SAME SHIT! I had LEARNED about a whole lotta THINGS after he left & I thought that alex would appreciate hearing some but it all fell on DEAF EARS! My standard for people now is if ya don´t look it up then GET the FUCK outta my FACE! I brought FACTS, BOOKS & EVIDENCE only to be met with charges of you aint gonna CHANGE me even though the CHANGE I sought was for my parents to LIVE LONG & ENJOY all that they worked hard for. I told ém about Dr Sebi way back then but...........when I came in August of 2015 & tried to save my Mom by taking her to Dr Sebi the DAMAGE was too SEVERE! This niKKKa was telling Me he never heard of Dr Sebi bcuz he did the same he always accused Me of; NOT LISTENING! She passed in late September 2015 & I was DEVESTATED! (http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2015/09/my-mama.html). 

When I came in 2000, I told alex about this & he looked at Me as if I was CRAZY; http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/99826.php. Tito doesn´t have MONEY bcuz alex spends it all & won´t let him come to the u.s to re-sign up for SSI. HE DOESN´T WANT Tito near US bcuz alex CANNOT CONTROL Tito´s FINANCES bcuz he´s BLIND! Tito has THINGS in LIFE that he wants to do & is getting OLDER by the DAY! What if alex lives to be 95 & Tito goes first?

Look, I already wrote 2 books & aint trying to write a 3rd 1 here. That dude alex now has perhaps the most innocent GARIFUNA MAN as a VIRTUAL SLAVE / PERSONALSERVANT! alex YELLS at Tito but remember that Tito is AUTISTIC and doesn´thave NORMAL INTELLIGENCE and gets CONFUSED at times. alex prefers the company of peepo with his last name who live nearby & this is just 1 of the reasons why I go by SMITH now! If I tell ya to call Me Blak do not go past that as I got ISSUES but moving on......................he claims that my Mom built her OWN HOUSE behind his back but he´s the ONLY 1 BENEFITTING FROM IT & TALKS of SHARING the PROCEEDS go NOWHERE! At all times of the day he calls on Tito as if he was a BUTLER for a OLD BLIND NIGGA. As I don´t stay there anymore, whenever I pass alex´s HOUSE, I see Tito & that LIGHT & SHINE he usually has when he see´s YOU is just about GONE! alex doesn´t take Tito nowhere & all he does is WORK while BARELY being MAINTAINED! I could give ya STORY on STORY on things that niKKKa has done but remember - CRUEL PEEPO are usually very CHARMING! What is it to actually LIVE with alex? Not many know! 

Blackula | Logan | Pinterest

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll3uipTO-4A For the Love of Money by the OJays

Look.........social media being what it is, some of yáll is gonna say I shouldn´t have done this! To that I say FUCK YOU & if ya say what I don´t wanna hear - read it again - FUCK YOU! I could make yáll HATE alex but I ain´t trying to do that. What I wanna do before I leave this place is FREE TITO from SLAVERY bcuz alex is a BLOOD SUCKING VAMPIRE that needs to be STOPPED before he sucks the LIFE outta my BROTHER! I´m done & so SAVE the HATE for when ya see Me if ya feel it´s worth it! And for the record, if ya think it matters, tell alex that he can keep his SHIT as I don´t want it even though I told him that already. All I want is what my MOM left Me! He can give his shit to his MINIONS! The Blak Smith CARES & is OUT! 

 Resultado de imagen para pic of minions


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