Well...........SHIT is about to hit the FAN but Black People as a whole only need to watch this show happen! Anybody out there who even remotely knows ANYTHING about that bitch above better be quiet until she gets INDICTED! Unless ya been sleeping under a rock lately, by now, you have found out that the BITCH up above supposedly had more emails found on her Assistants laptop. The name huma abedin comes to mind aka, the estranged wife of former NYC congressman, anthony weiner, infamous for SEXTING underage young gals. I aint gonna make this too long bcuz WE have a lotta ground to cover but in looking back, what is the relationship between those 3? Did mr weiner have something on Hil? Check out what I found while browsing earlier today..........
why did Comey do this? And why now?
Since the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s e-mails and the Clinton Foundation were deliberately stonewalled and set aside by the Obama Justice Department , there’s been a major morale problem at the Bureau according to various sources. Comey understandably had lost the respect of many of the agents, there are quite a few resignation letters on his desk and it’s at the point where, reportedly, a number of people won’t even return his greetings and limit their interaction with him as much as possible. Reportedly, even his wife was disappointed in him and kept urging him to admit he was wrong when he said Hillary shouldn’t be char........more at to let yall know who she really is, I am going to put just 1 of her MAJOR CRIMES here and as the ACCUSATIONS are not mine, do not start saying that I do not like her blah bla blah etc etc..........
According to Clinton Cash, the total donations from Uranium One shareholders to the Clinton Foundation exceeded $145 million, in the run-up to Hillary Clinton’s State Department approving the Rosatom deal, which gave Russia control over about 20 percent of U.S. uranium..........more at
Let US get into our next customer and his name is really Donald Drumpf! Do the RESEARCH if ya do not beLIEve but............ the Final Countdown by Europe
In this dude, he is just as dirty but was not a politrickan and therefore cannot be held to a standard but note how both of these niKKKas are somehow beholden to the Russians. Before the 8th of november, they gonna have to both come clean but check out what else I foumnd while doing some friendly neighborhood browsing..............
Back in 2008 Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr, told a New York Russian real estate investors conference that a “lot of money [is] pouring in from Russia”. “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” he added.
A lot of the money was destined for the 46-storey Trump Soho hotel and condos project on Spring Street, which was partly funded by group of questionable Russian and ex-Soviet state billionaires. The building was embroiled in a Manhattan district attorney investigation into fraud alleged by buyers, until Trump and his partners settled out of court.
Much of Manafort’s relationship with Firtash was exposed in a 2011 racketeering lawsuit that was later dismissed. It described Manafort as aiding the mogul in moving his wealth out of Ukraine and into overseas assets. Firtash is currently under indictment in the US, and Deripaska is banned from entering the country due to ties with organised crime
Should we be worried?
I’m going to say yes. Anytime there are people with these ties to foreign powers that have interests that do not align with our nation’s or our allies’ best interests, people need to sit up and pay close attenti.......more at
At the end of the day, the emails are really the COVER STORY to distract from the PAY to PLAY POLICY but have yall noticed latelty that no one is talking about ya boy Barry? How about this that came out over the news a few days ago? According to reports, late Friday evening the White House quietly cancelled all of Barack Obama's future campaign events for Hillary Clinton.Or how about this at

Obama Knew Of Hillary Server? (Used Codename/Lied About It) Breaking: FBI Found He Used Hillary Private Mail (Video)............more at Stress by Organized Konfusion
So now WE get to the name of the article and though Idk what is going to happen, I sure think that there will be NO ELECTION next Tuesday! These REVELATIONS are coming at this time bcuz their TIME is UP as determined by the COSMOS! Most of ya have heard the expression as the world turns but how about may you live in INTERESTING TIMES! Too many were quick to dismiss Me after the Mayan Calender date of December 21st 2012 but here WE are not even a whole 4 years later and as I used to always say, to the UNIVERSE, 100 years is a finger snap! Scandal by Ultra Nate
So.......I have not even touched the surface of all these SCANDALS & niggaz & niggerettes is still talking about VOTING! Yall must be CRAZY but WE gonna take ya thru! Lets see what happens in Part II. WAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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