Analysis of Umar Johnson’s Message to Donald Trump Parts I and II

To OVERSTAND this ANALYSIS, check out what he is ANALYZING at

Ayo, 70 INDICTMENTS came down in the PEDOGATE Scandal and as this too is very important, I gotta link it here! The reason why its going down NOW is because the new AG Sessions is going for it! Check that here at Liberation by Outkast

Ok, my good pal on facebook aka T West says it all for Me. I have to let yall know that just because I post it does not mean I agree with it 100%! WE need to think STRATEGICALLY and LEARN! As all of what is said here is very important, I will also post Part II of this ANALYSIS here at Hopefully, when I next see yall, WE will be FREE! I love all of US and LETS get FREE! 

Image may contain: text Lets Get Free by Dead Prez

Resultado de imagen para trump memes I am not my HAIR by India Aire

 Thea West


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