Dick Gregory was an AGENT II & the FREE CLINIC for BLAK FOLK Part II

For the MOST CONTROVERSIAL ARTICLE at b2a go here at http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2017/08/dick-gregory-agent-is-exposed.html


I wrote the DEFINITIVE BOOK on EXPOSING how the ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY realy works and til you read it or a book like it, yall are gonna walk around IGNORANT to the FACT that most of ya beloved CELEBS had to sell out to get where they got and not ALL of EM wanna do it! Mama got to get that HOUSE & that BMW would sure look GREAT next to the BENZ eh? The RESEARCH in here ALONE makes Me some type of EXPERT to those of ya who find it hard to beLIEve that I would EXPOSE your baba. The link is here so check it after I get ya MORE MAD! http://www.lulu.com/shop/blak-smith/boom-bye-bye-hip-hop-will-never-die/paperback/product-21482927.html

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei99p8bir1E Stop Frontin by KRS1

I used to absolutely LOVE DiKKK Gregory too but yall gotta OVERSTAND that I am a RESEARCHER & find stuff that would BLOW most of yall socks off ALL of the TIME but.............in being a TRUTHER, stuff like DEATH THREATS & making fun of Me makes Me laugh now! To all of yall TOUGH TALKING IDIOTS who would not bust a grape, Im from NYC & have lived in Atlanta & in Ghana & so in these so called CONCIOUS CIRCLES, I am a well known Dude & aint scared of NONE of YA! With what I do, I cannot afford FEAR so put that in ya KEYBOARD & smoke it! 

WHAT KINDA FOOL is YOU to know that this dude got yall in a TRICK BAG! 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eHGQaTIW78 Malcolm X at UC Berkley Oct 11 1963

To those of ya who say HIS BODY aint even cold yet, if YOU found out that someone who just died sold YOU out 10 years ago, how would ya feel about it? In the video above, Malcolm X HIMSELF says that DG was a TRUMPETER for the establishment but even beyond that & like I said in Part I, DG was an AGENT & I stand by that 100% bcuz of the amount of RESEARCH I do! That BOOK above shows my DEDICATION to the TRUTH as WE put OUR LIVES in PERIL & as I have a REPUTATION to keep writing this blog for 8 years, why would I just up & accuse this niKKKa of that without first checking thoroughly for EVIDENCE? Can you DISPROVE my accusations? Can you say that you are an EXPERT like Me? Who gives this dude CLASSIFIED INFO that nobody else can get a hold of OR VERIFY?

I exposed farraKKKoon & got threats. http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2017/05/exxxposing-farrahkkkoon.html

I exposed elijah muhammad & aint he still ALIVE LOFL? http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2015/10/get-to-know-elijah-muhammad.html

I exposed Kkkastro but they dont hear Me though! http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2015/09/castro-gay-jewish-billionaire-cia-asset_13.html

I just about exposed EVERY FUCKING BODY in this 1 but I renamed it as I did not write it & so no big backlash at http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2017/03/why-i-cant-get-nowhere.html. When I say EVERYBODY, I am talking about Haile Sellasie, Kwame Nkrumah & even Khalid Muhammad but SOME of em say FUCK IT & start fighting for US & that is when THEY are MARGINALIZED/NEUTRALIZED! Dikkk been DICKING US for a long while & so CHARISMATIC at doing it so WELL ya got DRUNK & went to SLEEP! Ya do not attain those heights if ya telling the TRUTH! Check out how Brandon T Jackson is telling it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RddbwVQMll4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRr1Dc3V1Mc Truth by Dwele

Get the fuKKK over YOURSELVES; Any household name could be an AGENT & THE 1s WHO REACH THEIR LIMITS GET shut down 1 WAY OR ANOTHER just like they did Cosby! They do not always kill you bcuz they still got Muhamad Ali & Lauryn Hill. They can always use ya ENERGY! 

If ya even old enough to know these names, how did you feel when ya found out about karenga? sharpton? jaXXXon? bro polite? Who told ya & how did ya feel about the person right after they told ya? Most would just HATE that person but it would just be a case of SHOOTING the MESSENGER. The opposite would be to just beLIEve the person without question & if ya doing that ya may as well beLIEve in jesus & fairies......the MEASURED RESPONSE is to sit back & CONTEMPLATE as to WHY someone who has his REPUTATION at STAKE would put out something that sounds so CRAZY & then go RESEARCH using OTHER INFO to come up with YOUR OWN CONCLUSION! Everything else is just a disease named COGNITIVE DISSONANCE & I used to have that as well. In other words, STOP REACTING & start RESPONDING! 

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lpCeYaLXn8 React Respond by the Roots

With so much going on its time for Me to get back to the business of providing the FREE CLINIC for Blak Folk Part II. DG dying presented the perfeKt opportunity for Blak Peepo to SEE OURSELVES & OUR many SHORTCOMINGS bcuz MOST of US refuse to become SCIENTISTS! Most of ya know NOTHING about the Tavistock Institute or Operation Paperclip & it makes Me glad to know that DG was an AGENT BEFORE I started the series. Get over yaself & lets get CLINICAL from J-P.
this is Part I at http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2017/08/the-free-clinic-4-blak-peepo.html


Resultado de imagen para pic of omar epps on house

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGi5_ZZxfZ0 Go see the Doctor by Kool Moe Dee

So WE are now back after that brief time of other craziness going on. Bcuz this series is so near & dear to my heart as a LOVER of my PEEPO, lets go back into the letter I as WE left some important words out such as INTRAVANEOUSLY taking in drugs. Stay away from painkillers like IBUPROFEN even though some swear by it! I hope that ya never get JAUNDICE like Me a few years ago........almost checked outta here. If ya got JOCK ITCH ya may need to clean up some more. If ya have not, do not ever try K2! Remember when KARPOSI SARCOMA was a sign that ya had that non existent A.I..D.S? Ladies excercise those Kagels. Isnt LOVE the greatest feeling ever but then WtF is it really? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euUeCuwnZeU What is Love by Dee-Lite. Blak Peepo are so LOYAL & if ya read the article above you would know what I mean. That extra compassion WE have for those WE THINK are helping us has to cease. Most of those LAB RESULTS will show as false positives meaning its all BULLSHIT! They need to once & for all LEGALIZE MARIJUANA! All Blak Peepo are LACTOSE INTOLERANT so stop drinking LIQUID MEAT aka MILK! http://notmilk.com/

Yea......WE gotta get clinical! Back in the day, I named this blog  while living in Ghana & while there contracted MALARIA! Thru all of that MALAISE & after not being diagnosed til I got back sateside, I was relieved to know that I would live. Never get an MRI. Stop NUKING ya food in a MICROWAVE. Nuke = NUCLEAR! I have never heard that as a good thing just like those spills at Fukishima & the Gulf of Mexico. Nanotechnology is about to take over so be careful wherever ya go. NiKKKas is bad for ya health. The NEUROOLOGICAL SYSTEM is very important so keep that health up! The U.S MEDIA is turning this word into a household 1 so lets define it at NALOXONE -  a potent synthetic antagonist of narcotic drugs (as morphine & fentanyl) that is administered especially in the form of its hydrochloride C19H21NO4·HCl
NOTE: Nloxonea is typically administered by injection to reverse the effects of opioids & especially in the emergency treatment of opioid overdose. It is also administered in combination with buprenorphine in the form of a dissolvable tablet placed under the tongue or a film placed inside the cheek to treat opioid dependence. Trademarks for preparations containing naloxone include BunavailEvzioNarcanSuboxone, and Zubsolv.What will become of Obamacare? 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzDft0DZRUw Heal the World by MJ
Resultado de imagen para pic of a shaman
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWoDSGfSu6o Natural Mystic by Bob Marley
Do you have type O blood? Opioids cover the spectrum eh? It seems like OHIO is now the epicenter. Them Ofays are now the faces of OVERDOSES! I am so glad that most of US are so OVER hard drugs & as its all PRESCRIPTION........ peepo still gonna wind up getting high! Penis & Pussy seem to still be the only way to PRODUCE more of US! They gotta lot of catching up to do but ya know.........they already way behind! WE are gonna have to do some healing after the PERPETRATORS of PIZZA & PEDOGATE get caught! I hate PEDOPHELIA with a PASSION! Keep messing with Me & you will be a PARAPLEGIC! Peace of mind is worth MILLIONS! PEACE & on to the NEXT! 

                                      - to be continued - 


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