My MAMA Manuela Lambert

Manny Lambert's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person, hat and indoor

I will not advertise this 1 but today, 9/28/17 marks the 2nd anniversarry of the death of the GREATEST MOM who ever LIVED! I wrote this 1 here a few days aftter her death & then a SCATHING SERIES named Operation Save Tito where I detailed all what WE had to endure as a FAMILY that remains super BROKEN as a result of that so called niKKKa that SPAWNED Me who I call the DEVIL! He deserves no mention. As I spoke to her at her gravesite today, I told her that I gotta do what I gotta do as it seems like she never even existed & thats a SHAME bcuz she did so much!

The saying goes that no good deed goes unpunished & if I did not know that before I sure know now! I am done with educating most peepo in my family so when ya need me 1 day do not bother! Ya gonna have to go thru it for SELF or become a fast learner. To those close to me faking that ya trying to help Me, I beLIEve or even KNOW about good deeds & that the ROAD to HELL is PAVED with GOOD INTENTIONS! No 1 talks of my Mom anymore or could it be that I am finding more out about this decadent & stagnating culture? This culture has some CRUEL CHARACTERS & most of em are KILLERS like that DEVIL that killed my Mom! 

I will continue bcuz Ma put that in Me & no 1 can take it! I aint CRAZY, LAZY, a RAPIST, a PEDO, a THIEF, a DRUG ADDICT or ALCOHOLIC! To those of ya who do not like Me or think that I got my strength from the devil I did not but Ma taught Me COURAGE! Having her with Me, I can take on a whole ARMY of yall so BRING IT! FOH! I am invoking my direct ANCESTRESS, my MA, Manuela Lambert at ya bcuz she got my BLAK! R.I.P Old Bird! See ya soon. Lineage by Jaguar Wright


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