New Information on DEADLY 5G!

Resultado de imagen para meme of ban 5G technology War by Edwin Starr

In a word to the above Q, HELL FUCKING NO! This very brief video is a MUST LISTEN as most of US are just looking at 5G as a more powerful digital system but in reality there is SO MUCH MORE & so ya gotta know! What are they hiding behind all of these CRAZY STORMS? Do yall not see that the distraKKKtion METER is on super HIGH? Them CONTROL ARTISTS are on their last legs so stay vigilant! Give a listen & keep on living thru these very serious times. There is no FEAR& so til PEACE, its WAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Published on Jul 22, 2017 by cindy garay
I just ran across some NEW information Today about 5G that everyone needs to Know about, It will be worth your time! The 5G program is an Extermination program PERIOD! The Time is NOW to Boycott AT&T esp.but also soon We as a WORLD, must decide if we really want TO TRADE THE HEALTH OF ALL OF US & OUR PLANET For Deadly WI-FI that Mostly Benefit’s Corporations!

Which is more DANGEROUS?

 Resultado de imagen para a pic of g-unit Ayo Technology by 50cent

* taken from


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