Nobodies Talkin & I wonder why.
As usual, BIG UP 2 all my Haitian Peepo wherever they may be in life. As the rains pour down all over there, the peepo, ONCE AGAIN are goin thru it only like THEY can & we have 2 know that it is because THEY kicked ass & din't ask questions. The soil is soaked with French Blood & 4 a long time, also with our sistern & brethern but what's new? Please remember them with every breath U take & as Clinton & Bush ravage their population, take solace that it aint happen 2 U YET. 2day's article will feature idle rants & hope U can do like Hines & KETCH UP. Lets go! Where all my catholics at? Put another way, where alla those peepo who defend those that they don't even know? The very Pope himself is COMPLICIT in young boys bein molested as if this is new or surprising. Ayo, we talkin the POPE, the supposed leader of all religious deities in the world! I myself went 2 catholic school & a nun there tried 2 get at me but I wasn't havin that s...