YOU will be FREE*

I was gonna start the excerpts for my new book today but this is WAY MORE IMPORTANT as it affects US ALL!!!! Maybe all the delays are bcuz it's supposed to come out AFTER ya read this!!!! WE are HERE!!!!! I didn't write this & a big SHOUT again to John Hutchins!!!!!

(Just wait til the SUN turns this ya RESEARCH!!!!)

Dear Friends, it is I, St. Germain, and I come to tell you we are planning great things here in the Heavenly Realm. The reason we are free to plan these wonderful things is because we are finished with the hard work which led up to the RV. It is now up to the very competent crew on the ground to make the final announcements to begin trading and we are on to the next phase – Announcements and Disclosure.

There are so many changes coming in such a short time period that you are going to be amazed, astonished, and you, Beloved Lightworkers will be joyfully fulfilled. You will feel that your cup runneth over; you will be gratified by the sudden blossoming of evidence everywhere of what has been growing behind the scenes for years.

Once the RV trading is underway, which we expect immediately, we will be on to even better and more dramatic changes. The arrests of the criminals who have enslaved the planet for their own profit will be coming forth in great numbers – so many you will not believe your eyes when you see dozens who were honored as captains of industry and finance being walked off in handcuffs. All will be given a chance to redeem themselves, for we are a merciful community here in the higher dimensions but it will not be done at the cost of holding up the march of real progress for all.

We have worked so long for this Beloved Ones. You and I have seen the bright future for Planet Earth and have moved always in the direction of Light. Our rewards will be abundant, glorious, and ongoing. Yes, there is much to look forward to after the RV. It is just the introduction to a complete Shift in the way business is done on Planet Earth. By this, I do not mean only commerce. Education, social traditions, political activities, governance – all will be different.

Now, we wish to prepare you for the necessary upheaval which will inevitably result when the financial systems are in the process of changing over. There will be a short period in which the banking system may shut down in order to institute the new, fair and free economic standards which are to be put into place. No more will every transaction, every trade, every loan be tailored to enrich the cabal which grew fat while the rest of the world was starving.

No more will hardworking people be forced into homelessness; no more will employment or education be akin to slavery. The human condition is about to change globally and we are asking you to help usher in this glorious New Golden Age. You who are reading this are the Lightworkers who felt the rising vibrations and were inspired to invest in the possibility of using your own resources for the good of all. You will be rewarded tenfold with the pleasure of giving what you have to support and nurture others who are in need.

You will also find the way open for you when you take action to build, create, form networks and organizations to benefit all. It will feel as though a weight has been lifted and the wind is always at your back. Doors will open for you as if by magic because the old resistance which was built into the system has evaporated.

Life was intended to be beautiful on Mother Earth’s surface, but it has not been for many centuries. The abundance that was to be shared by all was co-opted by the few, bringing terrible pollution and degradation to her and causing disease and ill health to become the norm. You saw the effect of the chemtrails in recent weeks – aberrant weather patterns, devastating drought and crippling snowstorms, all caused by the arrogant manipulation of the natural world.

This reckless poisoning of Earth and all her creatures will never be permitted to occur again. Your Galactic Brothers and Sisters are neutralizing the effects of this weather manipulation which was intended to create profit from engineered illness and famine by creating such environmental disaster that the entire globe would be brought to its knees. An entire population which suffers from hunger and disease is at the mercy of those in power when those in power are ruthless and feel entitled to their privilege.

You will be astonished by the revelations which will be coming hour by hour over the newly freed media. The Rockefeller/Rothschild/Murdock cartel will be removed from operations of all the television, radio and print news production and the world will gain a true source of communication. It will then be used to honestly inform the population of what has gone before and what wonderful opportunities lay ahead for all of you.

We have met today with Mother/Father God, Prime Creator and all the Company of Heaven to discuss how we might bring the information to forewarn those of you who are not given to hysteria or paranoia of the coming difficulties you may encounter during the enormous Shift. We are concerned that many who are completely unaware of the coming disruptions may become panicky or even violent when the resources they are used to having are limited for a short time.

You have all seen the extreme reaction when people are told there is a large snowfall coming. Many stock up on enormous amounts of food, water and emergency supplies at the thought of being snowed in for a day. These are the ones we are concerned about reaching with the message that all is well, all is being managed and overseen from On High and there is nothing to fear. Just the opposite – this is the sign that progress has been made already and that the new way of life will be brought forth from the rubble of the old, toxic and debilitating conditions.

Here is the concern for the coming weeks: There may be a period lasting from a few days to a week or two during which the banks will be closed. Depending on the reaction of the populace, this will have a greater or lesser effect on all other elements of life like food distribution, the transport and delivery of needed medical supplies and even the ongoing stability of power, water and transportation. We hope to avoid any hysteria or panic by preparing everyone in advance to expect a certain amount of disruption and to prepare for it as much as possible.

Ultimately, your own good humor and generosity will provide the needed bridge to help carry others to the other side, to reassure and prepare them for a joyful completion of the process of change for the better. As long as people remain calm and friendly, resourcefulness and creativity will carry the day and all will come out of this Shift in high hopes with their Vision of a new and more humane world alive in their consciousness.

I want to reassure you, Dear Ones, that we have left no stone unturned, no idea left on the table without consideration and we are resolved that this entire process – even in its enormity – will be accomplished with Grace. It cannot be done without a certain amount of chaos but it can be completed without great loss or upheaval.

Consider how much fun you have had on a camping trip when you left behind the comforts of home in favor of living in the natural world, with the pleasures of life in a forest or at a seashore all around you. Think of the coming transition as something like this – the opportunity to get closer to Nature and to those you love while relying on your own and others’ resourcefulness.

You may have a day or two without your iphone, ipad or computer. You may experience a disruption in your cell phone reception or your TV programming. When all services resume, you will be ready for the massive changes that have been planned for you. Free energy technology is just around the corner, a gift from your Star Brothers and Sisters. Opportunities to stretch your mind, offer your hidden skills, and celebrate with everyone around you will present themselves as you discover new pleasures, new friendships and astonishing news about yourselves, your unique identities and your true path in life.

Yes, it will be a grand adventure if that is the way you approach it. Of course, there will be some who become angry and upset if their daily routine should change even slightly, if they are inconvenienced in some small way because their grasp on stability and happiness is defined in terms of “safety” – meaning that they cannot tolerate change in any form, even for the better.

This is where you come in. You will be called upon to reassure, to comfort and to teach. You have been reading these messages, finding your way to deeper Heart communication, deeper self-acceptance and Love. Many around you have not had the benefit of such reassurance, and such training in patience and Faith as you have had. They will be blindsided by the knowledge that all is not what it seemed and that it did indeed need to be changed and now.

Like the cabal, many of Earth’s sleeping inhabitants had found a way to remain unconscious of the massive suffering by blaming the victims or by developing some philosophical or religious explanation for how suffering is inevitable or even preferable. We are here to show the way to a new outlook Beloveds. We will work together with you to maintain stability even as the familiar ground is shifting under our feet. We will sustain our Vision of Peace, Joy and Justice for all, and so it shall be done.

* article renamed from


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