Hip Hop is GOD


Hey b2a & welcome BLAK!!!!!!! As the above title says, WE in here! To make perfeKt sense outta what WE trying to do, please refer to OUR latest series that tells ya just why WE need an alternative to the standard RECORDING INDUSTRY & all the fuKKKery that it involves! Ain't ya tired seeing that BIA dizzy azalea, ryan clewlis & wacklemore? How in the whole year of 2013, BLAK ARTISTS ain't have not 1 #1 album knowing that WE are MUSIC? Check out the series Parts I - V & I'll be back to let ya know;

1. http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2014/05/sign-yo-name-over-to-devil.html

2. http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2014/05/sign-ya-name-over-to-devil-part-ii.html

3. http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2014/05/sign-ya-name-over-to-devil-part-iii.html

4. http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2014/05/sign-ya-name-over-to-devil-part-iv.html

5. http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2014/06/sign-ya-name-over-to-devil-part-v.html

Boom Bye-Bye Hip Hop Will Never Die

To get ya personally autographed copy, get at US at OUR paypal account, boombyebyebook@yahoo.com. On fb, I'm Blak Smith (Blak Smiff) or for the book directly ASAP, go here http://www.lulu.com/shop/blak-smith/boom-bye-bye-hip-hop-will-never-die/paperback/product-21482927.html

As much INFO as I've given on this blog, it truly doesn't touch the book above! I go in on HEAVY DETAILS on the PSYCHOLOGY & how things REALLY WORK! They start ya off young, mold ya & when they can't mold ya anymore, get rid of ya, ruin ya or kill ya! In fact, the last dude that I spoke on in the book was Chris Lighty's & death but NOT by SUICIDE as reported in the mainstream press. In fact, check out 1 of his last tweets here

Chris Lighty @clighty
Slavery is still alive and well in the music business.
15 : 09
Now, CL as I call him wasn't no rapper or DJ but an exec who worked his way up learning his way as he went along. Why wouldn't ya take it from someone like him who is no longer here? Check this out as well as WE shouldn't be so quick to judge; http://www.christianpost.com/news/chris-lightys-death-not-a-suicide-says-private-investigator-82326/. Again, WHY does TOO MANY DIE in these HEINOUS & MYSTERIOUS WAYS? Could ya imagine if 7 of ya friends died in these ways in a 2 year span? You would THINK that ya was going CRAZY!!!! Remember, from the outside, the industry looks big but when ya in, EVERYBODY knows EVERYBODY! And this is what WE are trying to do & WE know it ain't gonna be for everybody bcuz WE know that there are those who need that DEVIL to recognize 'em as if MONEY is ALL!!

Well, with what WE know in this day & age, WE can no longer go down this road. WE need MULT-GENIUSES & not just 1 dimensional acts that just wanna pigeonhole themselves in 1 or 2 things. Check out this old article I did some years ago at http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2010/02/multigeniuses.html. There is no need to be proud if ya have a gift when you can have many more! I can RESEARCH, WRITE, MC, DJ, CREATIVE CONSULT, PUBLISH, HEAL YOU & LECTURE & why not YOU? WE in the Hip Hop game have many talents in EVERYTHING! Who's gonna help BUILD this? GET at ME & to those of ya who think that reading is a drag, WE have a 2 hour recording of Me kicking all of that here.........

Let's reDEVELOP OUR beloved HIP HOP to what & where SHE needs to be! Look for Me at Crotona Park on June 14th to speak on such issues & more as well as a documentary soon to come. At b2a, WE are SIRIUS about YOU if ya SIRIUS about AFRIKANS & HIP HOP! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


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